When our children were young, we used a window film that was removable, just thin pieces of vinyl? that clung to the glass. I can find film now that uses suction cups but am wondering if any will stay on. I want a removable film that doesn't obstruct the rear view during daylight hours. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
There are many removable window tint films on the market that "attach" via a very small charge of residual static electricity. Here's one: Gila Film Products : Automotive Static Cling Film : 20% Smoke For more; many, many more, just Google something like "cling auto window tint." I'm sure you'll find something that meets your requirements. Hope this helps.
Thank you for the referral and I have looked at reviews of Gila products. They aren't quite what I'm hoping for as they are sort of semi permanent. Not something I can put up and take down three times per week when the grandchildren are with me.
hey red hot mamacita, you should just get your windows tinted, seriously. not only do those removable films look tacky, but they are far less effective and you might even spend more money on replacements over the years. if visibility is what youre worried about any tint above 20% is very easy to see out of, even at night. do your family a favor and go for the real deal!