This is the pilot episode of a new YouTube program created by Robert Llewellyn. It's dedicated toward BEVs and hybrid vehicles. The first episode is heavily dedicated toward the Tesla Roadster and dispelling common myths about EVs. Pay particular attention to the comments about Well to Wheel efficiencies!
I really like the typical British dry humour and penchant for understatement. "Unpleasantness" indeed. And the Tesla on Top Gear didn't really run out of charge, but they pushed it anyway? Bastards. (Can I say that here? It's a very common British term you know.)
Robert's been championing Hybrid's and EV's for some time now. He used to own a Gen2 Prius until it was totalled recently and is now driving a Gen3 Prius on loan from Toyota whilst he awaits delivery of his own. He also has an i-MiEV from Mitsubishi. If you haven't seen it, he has another web show, CarPool, where he interview various people as he gives them a lift, mostly filmed in his Prius. Well worth a look.