I have a 2010 Prius no frills model with 5500 miles on it. I've started hearing a noise that sounds like loud burst of radio static. I hear it with the radio off or on. It's very imtermittent, but seems to occur only at freeway speeds. Seems to be coming from underneath the shifter or underneath the dash in the same area. Any ideas??
I don't have a clue what that could be. Sometimes noises can fool you, they sound like they are coming from one place and turn out to be comming from someplace completely different. Maybe it's tire noise, or something like that, when you drive over a certain type of road surface?
I haven't heard it since...the more I think about it, I think it had something to do with the radio - it sounded like a bad speaker squelch. Don't know why I heard if briefly when the radio was turned off! A mystery and hopefully it won't happen again. Thanks for you reply! Have a great weekend