On August 3, 2005, Spambox joined Priuschat as the 7,500th member. [Broken External Image]:http://www.geocities.com/tonypschaefer/Priapus/pc/PC-members_files/image002.gif Of all the people on PriusChat, [you] is my favoritre! Thanks for being here. Congratulations to Priuschat. Congratulations, Danny! You're doing a great job!!
Aw shucks, Tony. Twernt nothin'. Just happy if I can help out when I can. And I do learn from all the members too. I say nobody can know everything and if they say they do,their wrong. Also,way to go Danny. Bet you didn't vision this much reponse, :lol: .
Haha, Rick - you were duped by the ]you[ code Thanks, Tony! I can't believe how much this place has grown over the last 2 years. I remember hoping that one day we'd have 1,000 people on the site. Now I'm hoping that we'll have 10,000 by the end of the year! Thanks to everyone for continuing to make this such a great place to run and visit everyday. A special thanks also to our great moderating staff!
Thanks, Danny (and also the moderators) for making PriusChat such an informative and copacetic place to hang out.
Tony, you honor me. However, my cynical cop side wonders if you are being sarcastic. Nawwwww...I am glad I bring some pleasantness into others lives. I love my Prius and I love my country.