Hello fellow prii owners. I need opinions on what shade tint should I ge for the front windows (pass and driver and the 2 small ones by the dash) I am pretty much set to 5% in the back windows and 50% on the bottom of the hatch. I am thinking of going 35% in the front windows. Will this be too dark? Or should I go to 35 front and 15 rear? Thanks in advance for any/al opinions rendered. And if you have your prii tinted what percentage did you go and are you satisfied with it? Will you do it again?
I tinted the sides and back 30% (MS allows 28%) and never feel I can't see out. The interior is MUCH cooler.
Do not mix % on the windows, go with one % for entire car. I used 20% and looks great + you can see out.
Thats exactly what I did. 35% all around. Couldnt be happier with it. It makes it noticeably cooler on the inside and easily see out at night. http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii...s-modifications/80792-c-tinted-windows-2.html Post #17.
http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii...ons/80792-c-tinted-windows-2.html#post1129906 is a direct link to post 17, you click on where it says #17 to make a direct link.
My opinion is to not tint the windows. Any amount of tint decreases your ability to see out, especially at night, and increases the chance of your harming someone with your car. I was thinking about tinting mine but this weekend I was in a rental car with what appeared in the daytime to be light tinting and realized I was partially blinded by the stuff. Drove around downtown with the front windows down at night so i could see pedestrians. The trade off isn't worth it to me. AC works very well.
I just got home from the tint shop and I couldn't be any happier with my decission. O had it tinted 35% around. I thought it's gonna be dark when tour onside the car but I can't believe the results. It feels like just wearing a polarized sunglasses but even when you wear sunglasses it is still doesn't interfere with your vision from any windows. Loved it and I would do it again. I coul have gone 15 but I'm happy with 35. It does look lighter on the prius compared to other cars with the same tint %. And oh it only cost me $200 out the door.
I did the same 35%(legal in NC) on mine and when you have Blizzard Pearl, the tint makes the car look really sharp!
+1 here - in fact, I was so scared I might hit someone that I removed the rear window (=factory tint) and tail. Now I can see better and the world is a little more safe. The downside is I had to replace the rear carpets with rubber mats, and drilled a few drainage holes in the rear for when it rains. In addition, it gets somewhat windy and noisy - but I feel so much more safe.
I don't differ - I was just promoting a more safe alternative. The other choice is a Prius Convertible (much safer). One more reason not to tint - you get worse gas mileage (3.14%).
All very funny, I'm sure, but off point and illogical. Why not discount my point with a logical response? Or just give an alternative viewpoint? Did I offend you? Was my point invalid? What is your experience with the issue I raised?
Tinting has been shown to affect mileage. While not 100% conclusive, the evidence seems pretty overwhelming...