Just wondering if anyone tinted the upper bit of the windshield (you know, the bluish tint that is on the Camry). Is it hard to do with the tint that you use for tinting the rear windows? Just wondering what's the best way to reduce the sun beating down on my hands on the steering wheel.
I had my windows tinted including the "brow" of the windshield. The maximum depth from the top is six inches. that's the law in Wisconsin. You can use any grade of color. Check the law in your state before you do any tinting.
oh? can you take a picture from the inside? I think the law in my province might be similar to yours.
I tinted all the windows in my car, including the band. Here in SOUTH FLORIDA, it's just something you do. I think I have a picture...hold on... Is it clear enough to see in that?? Anyway, it made a big difference.
Yep I can see it. I wanted an interior pic though because I wanted to see how the tint film looked from the inside. Btw, those are really nice pictures, both the attachment and your signature.
Thanks. I don't have one that looks out the window, but I'll see what I can do. I can tell you, that it helps a great deal having the tint there, and also, from what I understand, helps the battery in the back, keep cool, by keeping the air cooler inside. So I understand. 8)
I paid $180 for the whole car, with DIAMOND tint, which has this great warranty...if a scratch happens, it's replaced for free. So, I am not sure how much the 'little' bit at the top cost, but it can't be much. Oh, and this guy who tinted my car, he even did the little windows in the front, near the dash...great job.
[font=Comic Sans MS:72ffcbc13d]Oh yeah, it's state legal. I asked him to do that. Now, here in FLORIDA, many tinters will tint as dark as you want. Which means, you can break the law...being a Preacher, I thought that was not a wise thing to do... [/font:72ffcbc13d]
hahaha. Wow. Well yeah, there are some illegally tinted cars here (i.e. front side windows tinted). They're not dark and are usually lighter than the rear but it's obvious they're tinted. I don't know how strict they are with enforcing the tint law. Hmm, I shall ask around about the windshield tint and pricing. It doesn't look as bad as I'd thought with an aftermarket tint. Now to find a reputable tint shop lol.