Anyone have recommendation/comments on Toyota dealers in Portland Oregon? I've test drove the Prius II last year at Beaverton Toyota, and the salesman knew very little about the car. We will probably go through Costco to get in touch with the internet sales directly (hopefully the more knowledgeable individuals with decision making power,) but would like to know if there any good experiences out there. (Most of the threads are a couple of years old.) Thanks
side comment: does anyone know why some salesmen seem to know so little about the cars that they sell? I would think that if I were them, I'd read up all official information about each car so that I'd appear intelligent to the car buyers that come buy. Its getting a bit ridiculous having the consumers be smarter than the salesmen - I mean, it doesn't take that much time to do the research on your own to find out about the Prius, Camry, etc. etc. Its not like a Toyota dealer/salesman sells 20 models or anything. Usually its just 5-10 main models or so.
Someone made a good point here a while back that Prius pretty much sells itself, and the dealers are probably more focused on coming up a good competitive story as to why Sienna is better than Odyssey, or why Tundra is better than F150. Still not an excuse for wasting customer time.
I bought my 2010 Prius IV at Broadway Toyota and was impressed with their customer service. I can't say they knew a lot about the Prius model, but they were very helpful throughout the entire process from holding my car, to driving it off the lot.
Costco pricing is right around the Edmunds TMV, although I don't recall what extra options were tagged on to the car. The internet sales guy was great, very no nonsense and well informed.