While stopped behind another car in the local Target parking lot, I was rear ended at about 10 mph. At first a saw some scratches on the rear bumper, but fearing possible "Non-visible" damage I drove the car over to the dealership to check it out. Nothing found. Amazing design!! Brought the car home, and was able to polish out all the scratches. ... now if my back pain would just ease up ... -BW
I hope your nice enough to let the guy off, sometime people make mistake and accidentally run into other people.
Happened to me aswell. However - I let the guy off without being an nice person to him. I have a very very very small dint you wouldn't even know was there unless you KNEW I already had got rear-ended. Wasn't worth the trouble. It happens.
I highly doubt he was going ten mph. A ten mph impact will cause a lot of damage. Even at five mph it's hard to make bumpers that will not sustain damage, and the amount of energy in a collision goes up by the square of the speed. Tom
This happened to me on the L.I.E. There was no damage, but quite a jolt. I would guess the speed was about 5mph, or a little less.
So the dealer techs removed the rear bumper-cover and confirmed there was no damage? If they didn't they don't really know!
Did you check to see if the spare tire floor didn't slightly crumble? It's usually a impact-absorbing crush-zone on most cars. Also, did they check the foam bar that is usually between the bumper and reinforcement metal bar? This also absorbs impact and can be crushed at the slightest impact. Critical to absorbing energy from impacts.
Yeah. I was stopped for about 3-5 secs., and then Boom! So shocked to have even been involved in an accident!! Just got out stunned. When I asked him What happened, he mumbled something about brakes??? Big irony is that it was another Toyota (Corolla). But then again, with so many Toyotas--perhaps that isn't so wierd. I do have lots more respect for the collision-engineering in the car. I know my last car wouldn't have done as well. -BW
I got hit pretty hard and jumped out of the car ready to bitch the other driver out and realized she was rear ended really hard. Arm around the shoulder trying to calm her down because she said she was having chest pains. After hearing all the glass breaking and realizing it wasn't my glass breaking, surprised at the lack of damage. If it was an older car, I probably could have let it go except the impact sensor lit up. Didn't want to look at a guy blowing a bubble gum on my dash. Agree, impressed with the lack of damage on the rear bumper. I still think I could have avoided the accident by darting out of the hole when hearing the squealing tires. My wife was in the car and said I couldn't have avoided it. I feel like I could have. About a month after getting the Prius fixed, cars impacted in front of me and I heard the car behind me get hit. A quick turn to the right got me past the cars crashing in front of me. I can go months without an incident and then incidences seem to happen all at once.