I was FINALLY able to get my pre-order in by using AT&T's website. Order was placed at 3:15 EST, which SHOULD be soon enough so it will arrive on the 24th, but since this is AT&T we're talking about, I won't hold my breath. I had been trying off and on since 6:30am EST. Zhe Wiz
I tried that approach at around 11:00 a.m. Pacific and it biffed as well. All-in-all, the whole experience was quite frustrating. I wonder if there will be un-allocated inventory at the Apple stores on the 24th? Otherwise, I wait until the handset shows up. It is only a cellular phone after-all. I guess I could keep trying to get e-mail to work on the Incredible in the interim. Plan B would have to involve using a third party e-mail application in place of what ships with the handset.
the rumor mill says that Apple will have some available for in-store purchase the day of the launch. I, for one, don't even want to see how long that line will be, nor how few phones will actually be available.
This just in: Yesterday was historic for Apple... They sold more than 600,000 pre-orders for the iPhone 4 - the largest single day pre-order sales they've every had. AT&T is also reporting that they accepted 10 times the number of pre-order sales they had for the 3GS last year. Apple Claims Largest Ever First-Day iPhone Pre-Orders of 600,000 - Mac Rumors Demand for the iPhone 4 seems to be exceeding all possible expectations
That is definitely a consideration. One counter argument could be that the pre-orders will remove a large amount of the line(s). I know how long the line was at one store for the iPad 3G release. I may swing by the store on the 24th and see how long the line is for the iPhone 4. If the line is not too long, I may take a shot at standing in it. Then again, I may pass since I have an iPhone 4 on its way.
Now it seems to be July 14th for new pre-orders.... And 600,000 unit sales in one day.... I wonder how long before (not whether) the 2 million units sold in 2 months of the iPad will be exceeded? And people wonder why the Mac computers are being neglected? With these numbers, I wonder that Steve hasn't completely abandoned the computers....
How are Apple's computers being neglected? - Apple is in mid-cycle right now for OSX (It's too early to really expect anything about the next release). - The Mac mini was updated yesterday with some awesome new specs. - the iMac has just reached the end of its average update cycle (on average, it's updated every 221 days, and it's been 239 days since the last update - we're no where near neglect yet) - The Mac Pro is past its update cycle... but most likely that is due to delays in the hexacore Xeon processors that are widely expected to be the core of the next update (they are just now becoming widely available for use) - the Macbook was updated a month ago. - the Macbook Pro was updated 2 months ago - The macbook air is due for an update... but given the very short history we have on this product, who knows? There's no sign at all that the computer line is being neglected. We only have some significant hype over the iPhone right now. It wouldn't surprise me to see the mac Pro updated in the next month now that the chips are available for it.
After much wasted time online, I placed an order on ATT yesterday that crashed before confirmation. I then placed a 2nd order on ATT that went through. They sent me an e-mail this A.M. saying they had cancelled the 2nd order. However, my upgrade status on both lines had been reset. After talking to 4 different ATT reps, I finally got to someone who could tell me that the 2nd order was indeed cancelled, but the 1st order was a confirmed order in their system. Of course, there's no way of telling if they actually have enough inventory to fill my order on or around the 24th. All in all, it just confirms my already appallingly low view of this incompetent company. Kind of makes me wish I had waited for one of these: Exclusive: Motorola Droid X preview -- Engadget
that is what i am waiting for. now i heard a blurb on network news that ATT/Apple was ONLY pre-saling 600,000 units. so, the rest will be at store at launch?? i wonder how many units are expected to be in stores? and what time frame is the pre-sale covering. the Incredible is on what i would consider a ridiculous delay. i checked yesterday and orders processed then would not ship until july 15th. the phone is not that popular and has been out a month. what gives HTC? sounds like you were caught completely off guard
The pre-sale is covering first day orders only. You think "only" having 600,000 available the first day of sales is too small? Both companies are, i believe, accepting pre-orders for later delivery at this point (sometime in July, most likely). For what its worth, 600,000 is a hell of a lot of phones to sell in a single day. To put it in perspective, that's approximately 1% of the total number of iPhones sold over the past 3 years. This is the biggest launch they've ever done, and BOTH Apple and AT&T broke records on single day pre-order sales (which means they had more available for pre-order than ever before as well). AT&T reported 10x as many pre-orders for the iPhone 4 as they had for the iPhone 3GS. you simply can't predict a 10 fold increase.
600,000 is a good #. the main verizon warehouse ships 450,000 phones a day, every day. (well every WEEK day). granted that is all phone, new and waranty. but they also ship lesser amounts from two other regional warehouses. i would really like to know how many Incredibles have been sold so far and its allotment. their ship delay is ridiculous... hey!!... i personally think that name works better than Incredible.
We should get some numbers on that sometime next month, i would imagine. All these companies do quarterly earnings calls, and included in those are sales numbers. All in all, it should be an interesting comparison.
Wow, around 117M phones a year shipped from the main Verizon warehouse. That's enough for one in every three American's to receive a Verizon phone each year. I wonder how many of these are warranty?
Also keep in mind, the new iPhone also needs to be in stock at Walmart, Best Buy and a few others on June 24th also, so I'm sure there are more phones then the 600,000, they just can't put them all up for Pre-orders.
probably 60% or so. i read somewhere that phones exchanged due to "electronic" defects are found to be caused by user error or education 75% of the time. that figure will go up as smartphones popularity rises and someone's math is off. yearly shipping totals i thought was more around 90 million. at the time i remembered it because at the time Verizon was claiming 90 million customers. but remember, they also ship out of California and Georgia too.
I just did a simplistic calculation: 450,000*52 weeks*5 weekdays/week. It doesn't account for holidays. Either way, 90 million or 117 million is truly a SHAZAM! number.
Haven't heard of the Incredibles yet... but the iPhone sold 1.7 million in its first 3 days: Apple Announces iPhone 4 Sales of 1.7 Million, Most Successful Product Launch Ever - Mac Rumors And if you haven't heard yet... stores are getting them back in stock today, and lines have already formed for it: iPhone 4 Goes on Sale at AT&T Retail Stores and Online Today, Lines Start Forming (Again) - Mac Rumors