Just wondering if anyone's interested in a meetup this summer. We only got 3 showings last year so it'll be nice to have more folks. I also recall a certain someone "offering" to do it this year hint hint . This also means it'll be in WA (I guess we'll alternate countries...)
I could recommend Hybridfest Green Drive Expo as a great place to meet lots and lots of fellow PriusChatters. Seriously. :cheer2: Registration is open now, and everything.
I plan to be in Vancouver BC for Star Trek Convention Vancouver, BC - Creation Entertainment. I definitely will be at the convention for Shatner and Nimoy on Sunday June 27th. I'm thinking of driving up there Friday night and leaving Sunday or Monday, not sure yet. I planned to at least see some of the locations where BSG and V are filmed, if possible. It'd be cool if there were a list somewhere of V locations. I know of some for BSG (Vancouver Public Library and Simon Frasier University) but probably can relatively easily find a list... edit: I found [ame]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_filming_locations_in_the_Vancouver_area[/ame], http://en.battlestarwiki.org/wiki/Filming_locations_(RDM) and http://thepocketsquare.com/?p=110 from a quick search, so far.
Hi :wave: You know, Bill Merchant is still doing his monthly meetups for Hybrids. Yeah, they are mostly in Oregon, but that's not so bad. Personally, I'd love to do ST-con. Really. However, my DH's schedule is now changing weekly. Last week, it changed mid-week. He's been working most Saturdays, and then working again on Monday. We can't make any plans far enough out to be of any serious use. Oh, and we have the wedding in July, which we just plunked 'Honeymoon money' down for... that was a big chunk of our available vacation funds. *sigh*... Someone *ELSE* make the plans, and I'll put it on the calendar, and if it will work, we'll see ya, and if not, have fun without us.
Well I'm in the area in July... looks like I'll miss Rae Vynn again... edit: holy cow it's 7 hours to Spokane for me :|....
doesn't matter... but I suspect if we make it too far west (e.g. Seattle), LRKingII might not be able to make it (if I'm kinda hesitant to drive to Spokane, it might be safe to assume that he doesn't want to make the long trek either)... early-mid? not the 10th or the 3rd
Oh no! The $40 general admission tix for Sunday (when Shatner and Nimoy are on stage) are sold out! Why did I wait??? UGH! I've now got to go for the $70 Sunday preferred seating tix. They at least have a seating chart and there are some left... Not sure how fast they sell out though. Better act quick if you can go.
So, on July 20th I'll be in the Bellingham area, and could seriously see myself couch surfing, and meeting up with any Prius owners over the 20th/21st. Either extreme Northern WA or Vancouver, BC, is possible. Any interest?
Yeah, being mid-week is a bummer on that. I have to get our son back to his ship on that date, which will be in Bellingham. It's a long drive, I don't want to drive both ways in a single day.