I think we need a bumper sticker that reads: I am a member of the Proud Prii Pride Come join us at www.PriusChat.com
And another one that says: "I am angry and you are stupid! :www.priuschat.com/FredsHouseofPolitics" Tom
Considering that the Prius is the Top Perfoming "GREEN" vehicle, and has advanced for a dozen years through three generations, it hardly needs promoting among the more responsible people who 'put their money where their environmental mouth is', and invested in this 'Performance Vehicle'. Almost any google search regarding the Prius brings up the Prius Chat website for any number of reasons. Therefore I really do not see that it needs 'promoting', though such enthusiasm is to be commended.
I respectfully disagree -- By using your "logic", companies that have achieved a level of recognition in the market -- like Coke, DELL, APPLE, HP, Verizon, Ford, Toyota, Motorola (the list goes on.....) etc no longer need to spend any dollars on advertising.....is "word of mouth" is unnecessary too (when was the last time that you said - I like my Prius because....")? Population counts ebb and flow - new mediums, untapped resources and outlets emerge every day to provide another opportunity to "get the message out" - whether it is about your product, service, website, ..... or whatever. It seems to me that if you are wanting to grow and expand, that advertising (including word of mouth) is a basic tenet of "increasing" your exposure and - hopefully - (in this case) your readership and/or the number of viewers to your website. I could be wrong -- but I don't think so.
You can order License plate holders with Prius Chat on them: Priuschat Gifts, T-shirts, Stickers and more - CafePress I have an older version on my car that says- No I don't plug it in, PriusChat.com
Hmm...I like Prius Chat. I hate bumper stickers. It's NOT that I think Prius Chat NEEDS promotion...but promotion can never hurt. You'd think that if you owned a Prius or were considering a Prius that Prius Chat would be an almost automatic no brainer for people to find or use. However, when I first started researching Prius, I found this site and gained some information. I also went through the common newbie practice of trying to unobtrusively as possible ask Prius Owners that I saw in parking lots about their personal Prius thoughts and experiences. I was suprised how many had never heard of Prius Chat... So as popular as this site is, I think there is room for expansion and growth. Having said that? No way in downtown Hades I'm putting a Prius Chat bumper sticker on my Honda Fit....sorry guys...hate bumper stickers...and it just wouldn't be right...
PriusChat stickers are available in the PC Shop you know.... I've seen plenty of cars that have their respective club website stuck on the window. It's subtle and gets the message across.
The weight of the bumper sticker would decrease mpg, and the change in aerodynamics due to the stickeer might not be good either.
under my center rear brake light it reads: PriusChat | Toyota Prius Forums, News, and Accessories it's right under the brake lights, on the mini rear window. when i use my brakes, it lights up. i think it looks good. there WAS a member on priuschat who sold vinyl stickers. (PriusChat | Toyota Prius Forums, News, and Accessories, PRIUS, Gas/Electric Hybrid, Toyota, and many others) the bottom of my rear doors have the PRIUS stickers... it's a nice touch. i have 3 small "prius" logos go across the top of my front windshield... although a couple have peeled... so i only have 1 currently....
That's a shame. I don't know how this site will survive without having a sticker...on your Honda... It's such prime real estate for those interested in Prius info.
Become a known resource, a place were reporters and others seeking Prius and hybrid facts and data, can quickly find: technical bibliography - folks like Patrick Wong, hobbit, John1701a, Chris Hogan, the moderators, and the PCD crew would be listed with a short biography listing their expertise. A reporter does not have a lot of time to seek experts so maybe a list of "Prius experts" organized in easily searched or sorted groups. There is nothing like being able to find 'quotable sources.' However, it means the individuals would have to agree to public exposure. There are subtle aspects including qualification, who can be on the list, and maintenance, sometimes folks change direction and need to retire from the list. wiki technical - we have an unusually rich collection of Prius technical experts but many of us maintain independent web sites of our selective expertise. I'm thinking we need something in between where the expertise of recognized experts can meld into shared documents. I don't say it would be easy but it is a goal. Use the associated wiki content when answering critics in local news papers, media, and other web sites. What this does is make PriusChat into a credible resource. The key is making PriusChat a resource not only found via various search engines but also seen by working reporters as 'an easy and accurate source.' This is not a trivial problem, establishing credibility is never easy. However, it is a solvable problem. Bob Wilson
65,800+ registered members isn't enough? And if you think this forum needs publicity - well, you found us, didn't you?