Yesterday I called a local place about getting my Prius windows tinted. They carry Llumar products and I asked for ceramic tint. Their quote was $370, which seemed really high to me based on what I've read here. So I proceeded to call almost every other place in town and nobody else offers a ceramic tint. Has anyone else here had to pay as much as I was quoted?
I paid $290 to tint my 2dr Honda Civic 4-5 years ago. High quality tint, hasnt changed colour, hasnt peeled, looks great. You get what you pay for and I would accept that price for 2 more large door windows and the rear bottom window.
I wonder what accounts for the price differences. $295 to $400 sounds like a wide range to me. A difference in tint brands or location? In any case I feel a little better about the quote now. Thanks!
I paid $200.00 on special for Huper Optic at Mothers in Austin- I love it, keeps the inside temp down in the Texas summers.
$275 for 3M Crystalline on all sides and back. Went back to do the sunroof in 3M and the front in Llumar AirBlue for another $110. LOVE MY TINT!!!
Is Johnson InsulatIR ceramic tint any good? and is $335 a good price for Johnon InsulatIR ceramic tint for all 10 windows? I'm going with IR30 for the back windows and IR50 for the front windows.
My local guy charged $190.00 + tax for all glass but lower rear. He used Solar Gard from Bekaert Specialty Films, HP charcoal color, lifetime warranty and legal. Not sure about the ceramics content but have used this tinter for years on a half dozen cars and the product has performed flawlessly. Boy, from reading all the tinting threads there must be as many film brands as Toyota owners. Through further search, found out this film is manufactured by sputter-metallized technology (what ever that is). Doesn't seem to interfere with onboard electronics tho.
I had a friend's car tinted with the FormulaOne Pinnacle Ceramic tint. Price was $380 cash, normally $400. Unless you live in FL, where the tint market is screwed up, $400 is the going rate for ceramic tint. Due to CA tint laws, I actually had the tint shop use the Formulaone Pinnacle 35% on the rear windows and the Llumar Air Blue 80 in front. Both tint films have a lifetime warranty. Llumar has a new CTX film that is a "hybrid" technology. It is not a true ceramic film, but delivers most of the same benefits at a slightly lower cost.
That's a fantastic price for Crystaline, not sure I would have gotten it even at that price because I love the look of the nano carbon grey on my grey prius.
I've been looking around to have my side and back window done ( 10 window in all) the quotes have been as followed in Oregon llumar cermamic 369.00 llumar air-blue 285.00 suntek 350.00 I have no idea about this product or who make it. I found in Mesa AZ the following llumar cermaic 290.00 I found in Seattle Washington formula one pinnacle for 465.00 for 10 window
Suntek uses carbon to darken the film instead of dye, metal or ceramic. It suppose to be in the same category as the ceramics but at cheaper price. To tell you the truth I don't think anything can come close to ceramics as far as solar rejection with the same %VLT. The tint shop that quoted me 335 for all 10 windows couldn't get the Johnson InsulatIR in time. Now that I think about it, the Johnson's ceramic reflect too much light which I hate. Now I going to with another shop that carries Suntek Carbon tint. I was quoted 240 to tint all 10 windows with the CarbonXP.
These 2010 prices seem way cheaper than what I'm getting now in San Diego. Prices vary quite wildly here from the few shops I've spoken to. $260-$300 for 10 windows using cheap brands (ASWF unspecified "ceramic", Diamond(do they even exist anymore?), Sunguard dyed). $320 3M Color Stable. $700-850 3M Crystalline. Anyone have recommendations for a shop here? Looking for 3M color stable or something similar in quality in the back, and 3M crystalline or something similar (Air Blue) in the front to use 80-90% front. I thought $300-400 range was possible given what I've seen on the forums in California, but maybe not SD?