I noticed a pretty good accumulation of oil in my air horn below the butterfly valve. Is this normal? If so, what is actually happening? Level on dipstick is exactly between the two pips. ty
Normal. Nearest theory is that it's a side effect of the Atkinson cycle pushing mixture back out the intake, and some of the heavier components of the gasoline vapor accumulating down there. That and the possibility of a bit of real oil coming in via the PCV plumbing; I don't think anybody's ever really determined what the stuff is but it's never hurt anything. . _H*
Take photos & file a claim with BP. Save a receipt from one of their gas stations. Their oil gets EVERYWHERE.
Oddly enough, when I remove the TB on my FJ to clean the back side of the butterfly, there is a teeny amount of oil sitting in the intake. Must be a Toyota thing. The FJ doesn't use any oil. Maybe it has to do with winter operation down to -40. Maybe with how Toyota phases the VVT to do away with a separate EGR system. Who knows?