Hi guys I’m new to this forum but I am a strong supporter of electric vehicles and alternative energies - and ofcourse the Prius. As a result of this passion I’m currently writing an economics extended essay on the factors affecting demand for Prius'. I was wondering if you guys could help me out with some research on why you bought a Prius. Did you purchase it for environmental reasons? Or was it because of low taxes or low running costs? Did you receive any government subsidies? Where are you based (location)? *optional (please don’t take offence) – What is your approximate household income? Thank you very much in advance.
Firstly, this post lists the 9 main reasons I bought mine. http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii...502-2010-prius-school-project.html#post979468 Yes, both emissions and noise levels are very low. (4 and 6) Not really, my desire not to run out of petroleum is not based on my cost while doing so, it is based on needing it later. No. Not more than any other car. 2009 Package 5 Prius 602 E Harding Ave, Greenwood, MS, USA, Earth, Sol, Sagittarius Arm, Milky Way 1/5 a millionaire
Yes Low running costs are a benefit, but not too much of a reason why I bought it. I bought it second hand, so I don't get any tax benefits (at least I dont think I am eligible) Nope. United States Household income in the low to mid 6 figures USD. Family income many multiples of that. They say the Prius is the lowest end car those with money will buy, and generally the highest end car those without will buy.
While this blog attempt sort of suffered infant mortality, it tells the early part of the story. . _H*
1, Not the main reason, but yes reduced exhaust emissions are important to me. 2, This is the main reason. No road tax and cuts my fuel bill virtually in half! Saving me over £3,000 per year in fuel alone. Used as a taxi. 3, Nope 4, Yorkshire, England 5, Nowhere near what it was 3 years ago
Missing answers: awesome engineering piss-off hybrid skeptics used prices were within range Sorry, I saw the poll, not the additional questions. You may want to search all the forums for past polls. You'll find many of your other questions addressed. Meanwhile: Did you purchase it for environmental reasons? -> Not really but I don't mind it being relatively clean. Alabama has no annual vehicle inspections for emissions or anything else. Or was it because of low taxes or low running costs? -> Operating costs as the first was a used Prius. Did you receive any government subsidies? -> No. Where are you based (location)? -> Huntsville, Alabama, USA *optional (please don’t take offence) – What is your approximate household income? Kinda of a sensitive piece of information for a public forum. An anonymous poll works much better. I believe there have been past polls that addressed this question. Bob Wilson
Do you work for Nissan? I bought it because the car is high tech yet mechanically simple. It is smooth and quiet like a luxury car rather than econobox. High MPG and low emission were also a reason. I lived on a highway service road for almost 10 years so I hate exhausts. Cargo capacity due to the hatch design. HOV lane access and government tax incentive were also the reasons. On top of that Prius is safer (more air bags). After I own it, I also found out it is very easy to maintain and there are less things to maintain.
Suggest you put in an "other" category. My reason (fun to drive) is not listed. The four reasons you list were definitely not for me main reasons.
None of the above. The Prius has the best $$$ TCO + operation costs compared to all sedans. I replaced a Toyota Sienna with it, so in my mind, I'm saving $$$ every month. I bought the Prius instead of a more expensive sedan I was planning to buy. Better for the environment is a plus, not a given.
Absolutely. Prius is fun to drive especially in traffic jams. It is something a non-hybrid owner has to experience to believe it.
I could afford it. My Ford Focus wagon (ten years old with 200,000+ miles) was t-boned and I needed a new car. The Prius had the carrying capacity I wanted and had the speed and accerlation I wanted. Finally, I wanted a car that I still could be driving in 10 years and the gas mileage of the Prius a great possibility.
None of the Above on the poll. As to your questions: 1) No 2) No 3) Yes 4) Chicago 5) I don't share that information publicly.
1. Not really for environmental reasons, that was just a plus. Frankly, I did it because it's good for my wallet's bottom line (low running costs). I came from a BMW so the bottom line is exponentially greater than most. Low taxes? LA tax is 9.75% 2. I received no tax credits or any other kicks from the gov't. I knew this before buying. 3. LA 4. Not enough to own a Porsche GT3.
I bought it because I was sick of paying for truck gas prices. It saves me a bundle of money. Low maint. Very advanced vehicle all around. Great durabilty/lasts a long time. Great resale value. Relaxing and fun to drive.
haha i'm not that low. thanks for all your responses they will be extremely useful for me! is there any way of adding new options to the poll with your changes?
it's a company vehicle for me. the only cars on the list that i had any interest in were 4cyl altima - my current company vehicle, loud, highly buffeted by wind, wanders, did not hold up to the miles i put on it. 4cyl camry- hated the seat, very bland. Prius II- Liked the seat, liked the base options over my other cars, like the tech (i'm an engineer), company incentive, and it's different. the whole saving gas thing is good too, even though i don't pay for it.
Your choices are flawed, as you have already seen from previous posts. My reasons, in decreasing order of importance: 1. Needed a new car, so we could dump the 1994 Integra. 2. Interested in newest technology, since we buy new and keep cars a long time. 3. Toyota quality reputation overall. 4. Potential for lower operating costs. 5. Desire to step away from higher-performing vehicles in my dotage. ;-> NOT influencing purchase: 1. Make a statement, environmental, snooty, or any other. 2. Government rebate (tho the credit for the 3% excise tax paid was nice last year).