I use PWR mode 100% of the time. We traded in a 2005 Tundra for a new 2008 Prius, then traded it for a new (and better) 2010 Prius. PWR makes the throttle feel "real". Mid-40s MPG, compared to our Tundra, is just fine. I drive it like I stole it and still get mid-40s MPG. Compared to 15 MPG, I'll use the PWR mode and full blast A/C all day long. It's all relative to us. When we moved to the Prius we tripled our mileage and are very happy.
I agree that the power switch shud be on the steering wheel. I only use it when ramping on to 101 when the ramp is uphill. Very seldom use it for passing since I have to take my eyes off the road to fint the switch.
I may just set power mode every time I start the car and drive in it all the time. The car is very zippy then.
Whenever I have to merge or feel that I'll need quicker response to beat the gap in traffic when turning left. Normally in ECO or Normal mode.
I've decided to drive in Power Mode all the time. The car just responds better and therefore handles better. The mode should be persistent when you turn the car off. I see no reason for it only to be persistent in ECO mode.
I just finished a 1000 mile plus with my Prius that I have had for about two and a half weeks. It was always in ECO. I had all the power I needed whenever I called on it.
Everyone's different, I guess. I can't stand ECO mode. The gas pedal feels totally non-responsive. I don't want to have to push it to the floor.
I surprise myself sometimes in PWR Mode. I think that's why Toyota didn't want to leave it on after the car turns off. If you press hard, then you expect the car to accelerate faster but in PWR Mode, a slight tip in makes the car "jump off the line" (relatively speaking) so someone expecting "hybrid acceleration.. i.e. slower) might be caught off guard. Heck, I can chirp the tyres in PWR Mode.
Yes you do get that sudden feel of jump off the line but thats because we are used to slowly coming off the line with eco or normal. When you really need the power (like racing someone from the lights) then you will feel very under powered even if you pressed the gas pedals all the way down. So far I think I've used the power button 5 times.
This morning I drove to work as usual in power mode. After I stopped for gas, I thought something is not quite right, the acceleration is weak. Of course it had gone to normal mode. So you are right, it all depends what you are expecting in accelerator response. I prefer the feel of brisk off the line acceleration over the slow hybrid kind of acceleration. I feel I can handle the car better in every situation of passing and merging. I also feel that power mode requires just a little more skill and attention. That's fine by me. And yes, you can spin the tires in power mode if the road is a little sandy - wonderful. My advice to Toyota is to make whatever mode you are in persistent.
Surprise. Even in power mode I don't feel too confident in passing and merging. I didn't do much of that in my Acura RL before and that was a powerful car but it was too big. I don't miss the power mode at all hence I've only used it twice. It is just the senstivity of the gas pedal.
I'm a pre-Prius owner (will have one in six months). Looking at photos on the Toyota website, I see three buttons: EV, ECO and Power, but no Normal. What is the default mode, and can you set it?
I read somewhere that in Power Mode, beside the different mapping of the accelerator pedal, the inverter output voltage is higher (266 V?). Well, I've just come back from a 600 km trip in the Italian highways. I used the Power mode pushbutton a couple of times, and my feelings are that it allows a stronger acceleration, at least in the phase 0-100 km/h (0-60 mph). After I reached 100 km/h, the acceleration seemed to me more or less equivalent the one in Normal mode, maybe with less pressure on the pedal. My conclusions: sometimes Power Mode can be useful, and enjoyable, but bear in mind that it cannot transform your Prius in a Sport car... especially in the prolonged highways climbs, that are common here, even a 1,8 liters modern turbodiesel can easily overpass you, it does not matter if you are in Power mode or not.
Actually, there are four modes, the last being "none of the above" - aka "normal". The only modes that are persistent (between startups) are normal and ECO. The other two have to be selected every time you want to use them.
At least one time a week. East bound LBJ Dallas Texas, Preston Rd entrance. You have about a half a mile to get across four lanes of traffic to get to the HOV lane. It's mixed. The right lanes are stop and go, the left lanes are higher speed with drivers hitting their brakes to get back in the slower traffic to go right. My wife is a good spotter. Sometimes I listen to her and other times I ignore her and say "I've got it." You only get one chance. If you miss the HOV entrance, you don't get another chance. I think the designers were Aggie engineers. People that say they haven't used Power Mode haven't been in an intense urban situation.
When: in dense traffic -- it gives tighter control. whenever merging into traffic; when driving under 40 mph on winding roads -- it's like using a lower gear. It is inefficient accelerating at higher speeds, but used sensibly (avoiding the red) it's as economic as eco -- and more pleasurable.
Oh yeah I don't doubt it. The initial kick is from the electric motors but once you're moving, it's no different from any other 4 cylinder. Its advantage is right at the beginning as well as passing power (e.g. 30-50mph). It's faster because it doesn't require a downshift and engine's allowed to rev to max torque.
After for the first month of experimenting, I haven't used PWR since. Except when DW is driving and complains about how this car has absolutely no power. Pressing that button ends her complaints. For myself, the car stays in ECO mode, and my right foot has recalibrated to compensate.
I only use power mode when I'm accelerating on a freeway on-ramp, especially when traffic's moving fast or if the on-ramp is relatively short [like I find on the 5 freeway out here]. Once I'm in, I'll switch back to regular or eco mode ^^,