Well all, let me introduce you to our new kitty, "Lucky" Her name is self explainatory....read on! Early Sunday afternoon, I was out running errands, and my wife called and mentioned that she would sure like a Sub Sandwich to bring to work with her. OK sounds like a good idea, or so I thought... Usually, I ALWAYS go a specific shop, just because I happen to like the folks behind the counter. This time, by chance, I was closer to the other sub shop in town so I stopped in there. Got the food and as I was walking out the door, I saw a Ford Explorer pull up accompanied by the loudest kitten wailing that I have ever heard caught my ear. I looked around, did not see anything, but I sure could hear the MEOW MEOW MEOW....strange. As the Explorer pulled away from me and backed into a parking spot the meowing stopped, then resumed further away. Ah-Ha, they have a new kitten in the SUV, lets check it out. I walk up to the car and as the family was getting out I went up to the driver and said "Jeeze, that's quite the kitty you have there. He replied, Sorry, we do not have any cats.....strange....then one of his daughters spoke up, "See daddy, I told you I have been hearing a cat!" As if on cue, MEOW MEOW MEOW......from under the car. All the family heard it then, and I said. Dude, you have a kitten trapped under you hood, pop it open. He grumbled, but popped the hood... I looked around MEOW MEOW MEOW...yep there's a kitten here, but where. Not seeing anything on the topside I crawled under the SUV and saw on the drivers side front wheel, a tiny tail and 2 legs hanging down. I ran over to the drivers side, crawled under and there hanging off of a wheel strut for dear life was the kitten. I was able to grab her under the belly and lifted her up. She really did not want to let go of the strut. I don't blame her.... I crawled out from under the car, and this poor kitten is so scared her heart was beating a mile a minute. I spent the next 10 minutes sitting in the parking lot with the family calming the kitten down and I look at the family and say, "I found your cat" Oh no, It's not ours, and we have no idea who it belongs to. OK, would you like it? Well no we don't know what to do with it. I then offered to take care of it, and at that point I hop in the Prius, with 2 Sub Sandwiches, and a lucky kitten. I called my wife, and said, meet me at the front door, we have a small problem. I pull up and she comes running out thinking I wrecked the car, but instead I hand her a little meowing kitten. She was dirty, greasy, her eyebrows were singed from the heat of the exhaust pipe, but otherwise OK! The next morning when the local Vet's office opened, my wife brought the kitten up to be checked out. The net result was, she was given a bath, a Flea pill, a Vacination shot, checked out, and declared to be the luckiest kitten on the planet. Hence the name Lucky!!! here she is!! Our other 3 cats don't quite know what to do with the new ball of energy, but I think she is going to fit in just fine. Last night I was sitting in the recliner and my wife hands me Lucky. She plopped on my lap, gave me a little kitten hiss, which turned into very loud purring as I was petting her, and she promptly fell asleep!!!:couch2: Fate, Kismet, Karma, Timing, Luck, Chance, and the fact my wife turned me into a cat person all came together, and Lucky is now our newest family member!!!
Oh BTW, I forgot to mention, the Vet figures she is no more than 7 weeks old, and half her tail is missing. Vet said around 5 weeks ago "Something ???" removed it, but, its healed nicely. I was thinking "Stumpy" would also work as a name
Lucky is fine. If it's a girl, call her Luckie. Just make sure there are no fleas. At one point I had four cats and our dog Princess the Sheltie. When the cats would fight, the dog would go nuts trying to reign everyone in.
Nice testament to how generally *unaware* daddy-with-the-SUV is, too... I wonder how far they'd gone with their li'l stowaway? . _H*
what a cute cat!! Yeah how long did he drive with a cat underneath? Did he just ignore it? At least it was an SUV... a sports car might've mean the kitty would've hit obstacles on the road (including speed bumps).
A little update, it's been a 12 days now, she is the most talkative bundle of energy my wife and I have had around here in quite a while. Everyday is a new laugh and adventure! Lucky has taken to being adopted quite nicely. Full "Litterbox Compliant", loves to eat, and has successfully ascended the multi level cat tree!!! More importantly, she loves scratching the Sissel, nothing else, yet!
I have a similar story with a cat that looks like an adult version of Lucky. This past December I left the garage door open, and was greeted by a strange noise. Initially thought it was a rat, then a feral cat, then I could approach her and took her inside. Good thing as Dallas got 14 inches of snow a week or two later. The tortie cat was declawed and apparently abandoned. Must have been an only pet - she is overly friendly to me, but acts like she wants to kill the other cats, so she stays in another room.