Help, I am looking at these 2 cars... they are priced about the same. I have owned 2 TDIs in the past but impressed with the Prius. My main concern is milage but I need comfort as well. My driving is 70 miles daily 40 hwy (new tollway) so it true hwy driving and the rest in trafic. climate is tampa fla so it damn hot 4 months a year. Please give me your thoughts... thanks
First, somehow drive them both; some places rent Prius. I personally think that VW engineering, fit and finish, handling, and value is better (I had owned a New Beetle, 3 Porsches, and an 1982 Jetta diesel before). The Prius enjoys a lot of 'toys' like Bluetooth and of course, the HSD. Prius now also qualifies in the Federal budgets to be allowed in the HOV lanes with only on occupant. This is true in California; Florida may be similar. I drive 87-94 miles daily, 33% freeway and the balance on 35 or 55 mph roads and travel to and from mountains..after 2100 miles on the car, I am averaging 49MPG. I usually drive 62MPH freeway, and the limit elsewhere. The car accelerates very well from stops, out gunning some domestic V8s. The handling compared to my VW experience is that the Prius is not as crisp; even compared to my old Honda Civic Hybrid, it is not as adept in turn-in and not as level-cornering. The Prius excels at space utilization over the Honda as it is a hatchback, and compared to a Golf TDI, the Prius is more capacious.
My partner drives a 2002 Jetta TDI wagon which he runs on biodiesel he makes in our garage. I drive a 2004 Prius. We've looked at the differences and the advantages of each car, some of the following items may be familiar to you having owned two TDI's: 1. The "fuel technology" award goes to my partner, Lyle's, (see: for making his own fuel. A petro- fueled TDI is not as clean a machine at the Prius. Using biodiesel puts Lyle's TDI in the "zero CO2" camp because the fuel only releases carbon dioxide that was present in the crop from which the fuel was made, rather than introducing previously sequestered carbon dioxide as you get from fossil fuel. The "system technology" award goes to my Prius. The car is considerably more advanced technologically than a TDI. 2. A recent comparison between TDI's and Prii showed that in terms of fuel economy and emissions, the Prius has a very slight edge; mostly a tie, actually. 3. Lyle's airconditioning unit failed after only two years. Overall, the quality of manufacturing (not design) in the TDI is inferior to the Toyota. VW has had numerous problems with reliability, but they are getting better. Not sure if they will equal Toyota in 2006 for reliability, but I would hope so. We need TDI's (on biodiesel especially) as part of the overall fuel conservation/alternative fuel movement. 4. TheTDI wagon has a firmer ride and better road handling than the Prius, and can carry more boxy items. The Prius has a roomier passenger compartment and a much better back seat (even compared with the redesigned TDI). 5. The Prius is quieter than a TDI, especially if you swap out the standard OEM tires. It is especially quiet in city mode at slower speeds. 6. The TDI can haul a trailer and in general (the wagon) is a better utility vehicle if you need to go to the dumps, haul bicycles, etc. The slope of the Prius hatchback makes it hard to carry boxy items, but is otherwise pretty handy. 7. The Prius is harder to steal because of its unconventional ignition system. Conclusion: Mileage is comparable for both. The TDI offers the possibility of bypassing petroleum based fuel altogether, which in my opinion is highly desireable and is the only thing I favor in Lyle's car vs. my Prius. Environmentally, the Prius has a slight edge, especially if you do a lot of city driving. There are other posts on the chatline comparing the two. Post any new info you get as this is a good discussion item. Bob
Does the biodiesel get recognized by the state as a legal 'clean' fuel? I have noted that in Europe, biomass diesel is 'the coming thing' and is widely supported by the governments. Strangely, because of the CO2 issues, California is now reviewing its former stance on diesel: Unfortunately, fossil-diesel is still more expensive here and biomass is unheard of in any quantity. (I can just see my homeowners' association reaction to a homegrown boimass fuel plant!)
The TDI and Prius are the only two cars I was considering. The Prius came available 1st, and I'm very happy with it. I would have been happy with the TDI for different reasons. Bottomline, both cars are good choices...
My vote is the Prius :!: First the average MPG of the Prius and the VW TDI's are very close to each other, so I'd say that washes out the MPG. Now take a look around at fuel $.$$ and here where I live it is about 40-50 cents more for Diesel. Do note that in 2006 diesel will become low-sulfur in the rest of the country and that will increase the cost. I hope this helps and I too would try to rent to see what YOU like :!:
thanks all, I will continue my quest to satisify my want to have a high milage car thats fits both and ecofriendly position and is economicaly feasible, if they would make the prius a PHEV that would solve my delima thanks again for the feedback
I think that some on this board have discussed this. i ahve heard that PHEV is normal in Europe. From what I have read though, I am not certain that the short range and low speeds of most PHEV systems would suit youu quoted "70 miles daily 40 hwy (new tollway) so it true hwy driving and the rest in trafic" . Any way, good luck and let us know what happens.
nissan frontier I had a jetta TDI wagon 2001 sold it last year and regret it, I will order 1 or the other in the next 30 days and recieve it on 1-1-06 to get my tax credit, it worth the wait for 2700 off in taxes
I have studied that site and the cal cars site as well, its about 12k to make this change. thanks for the link. This is much more a solution than having a biodesiel lab in my garage, mixing lye and other stuff. I just wonder when we are (as a country) going to have a manhatten style project to address this countrys transportation needs.... I guess that is a topic for another site/day... thanks again
Good catch maggiedd!! It has to start somewhere, and it is high time that a USA based group is providing some upgrades, etc. Imagine: A biomass-diesel PVEV capable of towing a 12000lb load and getting 50+mpg!
when I pay off my Prius I will mod it to be Prius Plus, assuming that it is still operational by then
Being a fellow Tampa Bay commuter (actually travel within 4 counties), you'll do great in the Prius. A 35 mile commute is about ideal, though it would be better MPG'wise if you DON'T take the highway. Driving 70 and I get 45MPG. Doing average 45-50 on US19, and I get high 50's. Commute to work, when it is cooler, and my MPG climbs. Drive home, and it drops some due to AC running wild, and heavy stop and go. Wish they'd fix that light on Sunset and US19. It backs everything up now, where Drew used to be the backlog.
thanks, I take the suncoast from county line (hernando) to gunn and then wait behind busses and lane changers(too much work to get 2 cars ahead, idiots) So its a mix of driving. the issue I am having now is that most of the prius dealers are adding 2k we have it you dont fee on there window sticker
County line? You must live near me! Let me know if you want a test drive or other pointers brought out personally. Yeah, Sun Toyota tricked me out of $4K. Avoid them if you can. I heard some dealers in Orlando are selling at MSRP.
thanks for the invite, I will take you up on that soon. I have noticed that dealers are adding 2k to the window sticker above the package 4,5,6, add on they had one on the lot for 29k, thats a joke.