So I Decided to use one of me free rewards services that is supposed to cover oil change, rotation and multi point inspection. I scheduled the service call, drove 60 miles to the closest dealer to my vacation spot and upon calling the work-order in for approval, I was informed that the maximum claim was $60. what a load of *$&#@. anyway, just wanted anyone else that expected more to be aware. The dealership has no fault in this matter and have been extremely courteous in the matter.
What's this owners rewards? All I've got was the standard complimentary 2yr maintenance which are just 6 synthetic oil changes plus tire rotations. My dealer charges $45 for this service so it's only a $270 value, more or less. Edit: Oh and plus one extra synthetic oil change compliments of the dealer which was completed at 1400 miles, because i'm obsessive like that.
Better than my customer loyalty reward (free services for 2 years/25,000 miles) which equates to 2 oil changes (10k and 20k) and 5 tire rotations (5k, 10k, 15k, 20k, 25k).
Hmm? Paul LeBlanc, my service manager said $29.99 for regular oil changes (like a Corolla) and $45.00 for the synthetic (on the Prius) Are you sure? My booklet had 6 oil change vouchers every 5k miles.
My vouchers are like Codyroo's, 6 vouchers but only 2 include oil changes. That's a hell of a deal for a synthetic oil change, IMO.
Always read the fine print. At least two dealers in Dallas charge about $20 for an oil change and inspections, when I provide the oil.
Ah, I didn't provide the oil but I used a $10 off dealership loyalty coupon, which helped to offset the higher cost to an extent.
I did read the fine print and actually read every single voucher. Confirmed (6) synthetic oil changes + tire rotation. Plus a free exterior only car wash every time I drop it off Go Longo!
Oops, I was of 5 vouchers, including 2 oil changes. So your booklet reads "Prepaid Maintenance Program" and "Toyota Autocare" on the front?
I'm not near the vouchers, but i do remember reading "prepaid maintenance program" on the top. Not sure about toyota autocare, but the vouchers were like 3x6" or so. Print on front and back, came in a little booklet all together. Also have numbers on the top... 1/6...2/6...etc.
Yes, correct, booklet. I'm seeing those numbers but there are a total of 5 and the denominator is the estimated mileage at the time of the theoretical service.
ok, that's weird... maybe the free prepaid maintenance changes by state? dont think so though. I'm 100% sure I have 6 oil changes.
Thanks for the "heads up", I too have the Owner Rewards Program! This includes for me, two free services, which I've yet to take advantage of, (if that is what you can call it!). I'm coming up on 10K and will be scheduling my first, (by dealer), oil change. For all those, seems most of which posting here,.... Owner Rewards Program is a product of Gulf States Toyota, (distributor in a 4 state area of the midwest). Most of their "products?" are totally FLUFF,... worthless! I tried to buy out of their supply area and didn't find any savings, so came back to a local dealer, where I knew someone. I think most suppliers/dealers have their own programs which to greater, or lessor degrees are probably also worthless. Like so much in marketing today,....simply HYPE!! Anyway I will be aware that I may have to fork out some funds for these supposedly "free" services, the Service Mgr. told us at a new owners dinner, (to get you comfortable w/service dept.), "To get ready for $65 oil changes.....due to the synthetic oil"!
I didn't know it was OK to mention specific dealerships. Jones Toyota in Bel Air MD doesn't have a courtesy pack that I remember, but I did get $30 coupon for accessories and lifetime 0W20 free oil changes (but not free rotations) plus free car washes (although I usually go somewhere else) and lifetime engine warranty. That sounds like the best deal so far. Rich N.