I don't seem to be able to view the pictures in the photos section. I get a page with a listing that includes Pic Title, Poster, date Posted, number of views, Rating, and number of Comments, but no link to a picture, and no picture or thumbnail. There is a small blank area above each entry that looks as though maybe there should be a thumbnail there.
Are you using a firewall or ad blocking tool? I had a similar problem when using a firewall with ad blocking. I tweeked those settings and all was well.
It worked!!! Thanks a bunch. (And, yes, Zone Alarm is my firewall - I didn't want to shut off ad blocking entirely, but after you pointed out the problem, I set it to allow ads for this site only.)
:wave: Hi folks, I am also unable to view the submitted photos, only the text. I can view those posted by Admin. I have Zone Alarm, free version, which doesn't have the "block ads" function, so it can't be set/changed. Anyway, I risked turning it off for a short time, but no effect! Any more suggestions? Regards, Kenmac
:wave: Hi folks, I am also unable to view the submitted photos, only the text. I can view those posted by Admin. I have Zone Alarm, free version, which doesn't have the "block ads" function, so it can't be set/changed. Anyway, I risked turning it off for a short time, but no effect! Any more suggestions? Regards, Kenmac
Are you using any other ad blocking program? Using the Google toolbar also blocks ads whcih could cause this.
I use the Google Toolbar, just for the pop-ups, and have had no problems with that except that it is doing its job and blocked 1020 pop-ups in the last 4 months!!! Brian