Hello everyone, Having a hard time accepting the limited storage in the Prius 2010 and, in an effort to remain sane, am considering adding storage to the vehicle. Keep in mind, I have NO experience doing such things nor experience modifying the plastics. Coin Cubby Coin Cubby - left of steering wheel likely below the 4 panel toggles. I imagine I can take a coin tray from a junk yard, such as what existed in my old 1999 Camry, and cut out a port to install. Based on a number of photos for various mods, there appears to be PLENTY of room below the 4 panel switches left of the steering wheel (down by the knees). I like the idea not only because the good location, but because one can remove the panel to work on the mod and then install. (the center console is so small and awkward to use, especially when actually sitting in the driver seat. the built-in coin tray is even more awkward, and everything continues to spill when trying to gain access to the console items under the tray.) Sunglass Holder It would appear that there is already a sunglass holder built into the Prius design sitting in front of the map light controls. Anyone know if one can pop-off this panel and create some type of hinge or door? If not, I would consider getting a sunglass holder cubby type tray from a junk yard and installing. Not sure how to modify the plastics and have it look professional. Storage Cubby Storage Cubby under the shifter, inside the panel that houses the charger & seat warmer toggle. I haven't seen pictures of what is behind this panel, however on initial inspection there appears to be plenty of room to add a built-in cubby. Thoughts? If I can get those three items installed, I can live w/the Prius storage. I know people here have done extensive Prius (and other vehicle) mods and might have some insight or advice. Thank you everyone
when i had my miata, there were all kind of interior add on solutions. doesn't seem to be much interest with this crowd. minimalist's?
Even if it's possible, I can't imagine how much storage is that going to add? Maybe store $3 worth of quarters? I don't know if it's worth hacking your Prius for that amount of change. Okay, I'm confused on this one as I'm sure others are. You're saying that you know the Prius comes with a sunglass holder, but you want to replace it with something from the junkyard?! My thoughts are, at some point, you have to weigh the efforts vs the gains. Gaining a few cubic ounces of storage (which can store maybe a CD or a bunch of change) is not worth hacking a perfectly pristine interior IMHO. What were you thinking of storing anyways? You're not living in your Prius are you? Not trying to shoot down your idea, just trying to make sense out of it. Perhaps if you can make me (or the others on this board) understand then maybe we can steer you in the right direction.
The things got two glove boxs! I use the top for tons of stuff. took the owners manual out of lower glove box and put it in rear storage For more room. I have sunglasses that fit in the holder and they stay in the car. I had to rethink where I put things when I got my GEN III!!
My Prius has a sunglasses storage in the overhead console, Coins are in my pocket, tolls are paid with the EZ Pass tag, and as others have suggested already you should spend some time in contemplation of the phrase, " Less Is More !"
Minimalist by nature... me too. My house, the car, everything. That being said, there is no convenient place to store coins for tolls (no, I don't want an EZ Pass)... just a simple convenient place to store coins and (when traveling a toll road) I tend to hold the ticket by sliding it into the lid of the coin holder (in my Camry). Coins and sunglasses are the main need at the moment...without having to stretch all over the place from the driver seat. Glove compartments are great, but maybe cause I'm small the reach is a huge pain.... while the camry had a holder for glasses up by the sunroof (and the Prius /// seems to have the molding there in place for the holder, but just plastic.. no hinge). (iPhone too, but that is a separate topic...or rather... separate multiple topics). Yes, everyone is correct when stating just a few cubic feet.. however the right few cubit feet storage cubbies make the world of difference in convenience. No, I don't want to hack up the pristine interior... and I have little experience so there is greater risk of screwing it all up (hence why I'd work w/the smaller panel that I could replace if it gets screwed up.)
New Yorker - you have a sunglass holder in your Prius V? That is hopeful then, as the plastics are likely identical. Maybe it is simply a matter of switching the plastics out.
I'm not a Prius expert by any stretch, but I have a Prius II with just the basic (no options) and I have a sunglass holder by the map lights. Are you sure yours don't? It's a rectangular piece that you push in and it swings out to reveal a sunglass pocket. It's even lined with a soft material to not scratch your glasses. Please check your car for this.
Yes, I have the solar roof... how much is taken by electronics? There is a panel there that I haven't removed (hoping to find pictures first) and maybe create something?
the lack of coin storage really bugged me as well. I Just started using a TicTac Container. I suspect there are more options such as film cannisters and things like that. I store the TicTac container along with hand wipes and a small deodorant can in the cup holder within the center console
I can't post links yet, so let me describe that for you: go to caselogic.com, click Automotive and GPS then view all. Enjoy.
I too have the sunroof and no good place to store my sunglasses so for now they are in the top glove compartment. Coin storage is really annoying. I have to use change all the time for parking meters in Los Angeles. I have ended up just keeping them in my 2nd cup holder. Not the best place in the world especially when you have 2 drinks, but it works.
There are two easily overlooked storage areas, one under each of the front seats, accessed from the outer side of the seat. Actually quite roomy! I've got my vehicle docs on one side, fire extinquisher and first aid kit on the other. Still lots of free space!
Quarters store nicely in a mini M&M's tube - and they come in different colors. Do we store our holiday decorations in our top dresser drawer? Probably not. Why is it that we store our owners manual in the glove box? Sure, we need them at first, but after a few month, how often do we need to dig into them? Store them out back, under the hatch floor. Loads of room in the glove box now... BTW, an umbrella stores nicely on the floor between the seat and the door.