I was reading an email from a fellow Gen III driver. He was chronicling his obsessions with his new Prius. He said when he fills up his tank, he will squeeze out an extra gallon to 1.5 gallons, into the tank. He does all hypermiling techniques while driving. Pulse and glide, warp stealth. He actually drove it like a manual, switching it back and forth into N and D whenever on a long down-hill. He drives crazy slow, at least 5-10 mph below the posted speed limit. He's never taken it over 65 mph. He avoids highways. He accelerates at an incredibly slow rate as well as decelerates slowly. He never takes his car on short trips b/c that absolutely kills FE. Never uses the AC. He avoids bumper to bumper traffic or instances where his Prius could idol. His tires are at maximum recommended pressure. He avoids driving in the rain because of the friction on the road. He pushes his Prius to fumes in the tank and has been scared to death about running out of gas. You might thinK that he is miserable driving this way. But he says it's the opposite.... "It's like playing a video game... I love it to death!" So, what is your absolute obsession with the Gen III? MPGs, technology, mods, audio sound, electronic readouts, driving techniques, science, future EVs, going GREEN, Romance in the GenIII? What is your Prius obsession? [/URL]
Actually my only obsession is to be my turn making fun off my colleagues for my average consumption which is 4.5 L , especially now with the fuel price at 1.5 euro per liter . I cant resist going into those conversations about how expensive their bmw, Mercedes and suv are to drive.Its my payback you little buggers ound:
I'm obsessed with documenting the efficiency delivered by just driving it. Results of doing nothing special, just going with the flow of traffic, is what pleases me. You just can't argue with a 50 MPG average that comes from real-world driving. .
Squeezing every last drop and pushing the boundaries. Unfortunately, my limits are a lot lower than other hypermilers so I'm not looking for a 70mph tank. 64mpg is fine by me (Transport Canada's city rating) as a goal. Of course, all the other tech goodies are bonuses like the solar panels and radar cruise.
Well, I definitely know I wouldn't like driving behind him! I confess to being guilty of some technogeekery, watching what my immediate driving situation (often out of my control) does to my one-minute FC, but that description is a little extreme. (I don't want to be the poster child for prius-haters). I guess, to (sort of) answer the question, while not an obsession, I've learned an entirely new concept of 'fun to drive' and I kinda like it. ~T
Squeezing an extra gallon into the tank can clog up the vent system; might even affect his MPG. Putting it in neutral is really no different than what the HSD does when coasting (except if the engine is running it leaves it on!). But let's not spoil his fun. I like to hang out in the technical discussions (can you tell?) and think about all the things going on under the hood when I drive.
I do all you mentioned plus, if I am not going far away, sometimes put the car in N and push it to my destination. Not only greatly increases MPG but gives me a great workout. Applying three layers of wax every Sunday also keep drag to a minimum.
Trying desperately to keep the Prius out of the power zone going up inclines. When it hits the power zone I swear I can hear the Prius scream. I drive for economy, but when a car's behind me I have learned to let go and allow the car to hit the power zone as required. So now the challenge is really to maintain speed. I could use CC but that actually regularly causes the speed to vary +/-2mph.
John, I'm with you. I like experimenting with it, although I rarely sacrifice fuel mileage to check something out. I've been visually tracking the number of drivers who pass me on four lane roads only to end up at the next light or traffic backup with me sitting next to them or one car back. I have spread sheets for tracking all sorts of conditions affecting fuel mileage. My daughter calls me a Prius Nerd, which I'm rather proud of. I agree with my emailer, its kinda like a video game. It's turned my daily commute (into and out of Wash, DC) into something which is much more engaging and enjoyable. That was a gift I did not expect. I like reading and contributing to the posts. I've learned so much about my car and driving reading this forum. Will it be as much fun when most of the commute will be EV only? We'll get better FE but the video game will be somewhat boring. Have to go on long drives just to see if the ICE still works!!--Steve
I was guilty of a lot of that behavior with my GEN II, keeping a journal, saving gas receipts, driving right at speed limit, not over. Over 70K miles later mileage was 48.4 mpg. My new GEN III? I don't even worry about it, just fill the tank and drive like any other non hybrid, the graph shows a constant 50 mpg. Sometimes I just sit in it, listening to oldies on SAT and wonder.....what is yet to come.
If you have the car in ECO mode, this is intentional. You should find that putting it back to normal mode reduces the variance. I don't actually use CC enough to know this from experience, but am just regurgitating some of the prerelease information from last year.
Bruno, that made me laugh; I love your tenacity for mpg. Dude, don't push yo car ova the top of the hill gettn yo work out. You'll be chasing mpgs, yo car, yo insurance adjuster. And don't let the Prius roll back on you at the top of the hill either (ouch), when your personal EV is dead and no gas in the tank. Just stay in the captains's seat dude and keep bringing those mpgs. I'll be drafting 2ft. behind you. Just kidding--people don't do that!
You can still do better... You can cut weight... 1. drive naked 2. Always empty your bladder before driving.
Okay, finally we are getting down to some serious obsessive behavior. That is hilarious dude. I think we can add-- cut off all your hair, pull your teeth and nails, remove all unneeded items like extra seats, spare tire and related equipment, floor mats, visors, carpeting, never drive with more than a gallon of gas in the tank (unneeded extra weight). No interior lights or radio, extra weight not necessary. Do you think it's ok to ask my female car-pooler to go naked too? Ok, that's probably wrong and I probably shouldn't ask her to lose weight either, what do you think? Okay, but some of us are obsessed with the extra niceties like, like...what? I'm good with bluetooth, stereo and AC. Others, well, you need more....more what?
I'm obsessed with the PHEV version . . . and how WE can't have one now ... but various companies get them, even though they often turn them over to drivers who couldn't give a RIP about driving a PHEV. :Cry: :hurt: