Zaino Question...

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Care, Maintenance and Troubleshooting' started by The Electric Me, Jun 5, 2010.

  1. The Electric Me

    The Electric Me Go Speed Go!

    May 22, 2009
    Undisclosed Location
    Other Non-Hybrid
    I just went to the Zaino website, and they have two new products, a Z-AIO, which is a Zaino All in One...and a Z-CS which is an evidently spray and walk away type final step product.

    Just wondering if anyone had used these products yet?

    I really like the look and protection Zaino seems to offer, I just don't have the energy or time to want to go throught the more detailed and (probably better) total recommended process.

    These "one step" products from Zaino sound like they are exactly what I want.

    Just wondering (hopeful) if anyone had tried them yet?
  2. Rae Vynn

    Rae Vynn Artist In Residence

    May 21, 2007
    Tumwater, WA USA
    2007 Prius
    Yes, I have used both.

    I am not as impressed with the all in one. I prefer to actually wash the car, apply polish, and then seal. The all in one doesn't seem as glossy in the end.

    The Z-CS is a nice end sealant.
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  3. JimboK

    JimboK One owner, low mileage

    May 1, 2006
    Chesterfield, VA
    2005 Prius
    I've used both. AIO may be a bit less glossy than the "full" Zaino treatment (thorough wash, claybar, multiple coats of Z2 with ZFX, topped off with Z6 and Z8), though that's so subjective and it's really hard to tell. My usual regimen: the full treatment in the spring and fall, with a one-coat Z-AIO and Z-CS "maintenance" application in between, weather permitting.
  4. Pooka

    Pooka TIFOSO

    Mar 16, 2010
    2014 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    I used Z-AIO (to me it is less glossy / almost like a clear base step that acts as foundation for other layers) - then I ued 2 layers of Z5 - Pro (as you saw in the pics thread - we have a Black Prius) - then I used Z-6 and finally Z-8 .. (My Z-8 bottle is over) and I think from now on I will just end with Z-6.

    here is a pic of the hood on a cloudy day : i took the pic a week after Zaino!


    here is my take on Zaino since lots of ppl hesitate to take the initial steps (thinking it will be a long process) - true it will be cumulatively you will spend less time overall since it lasts longer (just like $20 for regular oil or $50 for synthetic) - you spend more but overall its cheap and less time consuming ...

    wash your car normally / clay bar with dawn / wash and apply Z-AIO with Porter Cable - then layer Z5 Pro or Z2 (depending on the color of the car imho) and Z6 (I am going to skip Z8 / Z-CS) - if you do that its not that much more time consuming and shorter in the long run.

    Oh I also use california duster to collect the dust. hope this helps! I intend to do the full treatment / stages only 1 per year / 1/2 stages every 6 months.

    also if you are member of the local cca - i am pretty sure you can borrow the Porter Cable random orbital buffer from a member - I have lent mine in the local bmwcca ... hope this helps!
  5. Rest

    Rest Active Member

    Aug 13, 2005
    2007 Prius
    Zaino products are the best on the market, expensive.....but the best.
  6. The Electric Me

    The Electric Me Go Speed Go!

    May 22, 2009
    Undisclosed Location
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Thank You everyone for your responses.

    I think, I'm at a point where I have two (maybe 3) possible decisions. #1 Either go with the Zaino one step products...and enjoy the easier application and less commitment to application BUT realize it might not be quite as good as a full mutli-step Zaino process. #2. Go with Turtle Wax ICE or Meguiars NXT...and also enjoy less commitment but ease of application and purchase...or #3. Bite the bullet, realize I won't be happy if I feel I'm compromising and commit to the effort of the multi-step process and do the whole Zaino deal.

    This would of been a no-brainer for me 10 years ago. I would of taken a whole weekend and detailed obsessively. It's just now? In my 40's....while I like keeping my car looking good, and I think it's a priority...when I read about the "steps" I actually get tired....

    I've even looked locally for a detailer, and there are some. But none seem to offer Zaino as a process. I can pay someone to wash, wax and polish...but it would be a high quality but "normal" wax or polish job....

    In anycase thanks for the feedback....summer is approaching...I'll just have to make a decision soon....
  7. Pooka

    Pooka TIFOSO

    Mar 16, 2010
    2014 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    here are some things to think about :

    a) ICE by hand is relatively easy but it is also a sticky product - one week later you will see a layer of grime sticking to it - ICE retains its wettish-ness and not in a good way - meaning that things stick to it ... the only good thing abut ICE is that it is available at Costco. The quick detailer that comes with it is still 99% unused in my garage. The ICE car wash is what I use - only because I bought it. The ICE wax as a protectant does a very good job - but dont expect gloss or shine after 2-3 days.

    b) NXT is on 2.0 - its better than ICE (only seen on other club member's cars - no 1st hand experience) - the process for NXt is:
    1) NXT car wash = same as Zaino
    2) Clay bar = same as Zaino
    3) NXT Tech Wax 2.0 = same as Z-AIO
    4) Z-5pro <<< only extra step for Zaino
    5) NXT Insane shine = same as Z-6 / CS
    6) Ultimate Quick Detailer = Z8 (Z8 can be skipped)

    so the only extra step is Z-5 pro (Z2 for lighter cars) - here is a video for Z-5Pro

    the guy is doing it by hand - but I use a PC - but even then its not that big of a step - you do have to wait for it to dry - but that gives u time to rest ...

    boy, i sound like a zaino fanboi :)

    another vid : [ame=""]YouTube - Zaino basics: How LITTLE Zaino to use.[/ame]

    (one thing here in Kansas City is that we can get Zaino locally - very handy when your Z5 or Z-6 runs out on sunday .... the guy in that 2nd (official zaino vid) lives not too far away from me - jetsets all over the world giving Zaino demos - very nice guy)

    trust me I debated which regimen to choose for Prius (also becaue of time/ priority) and I knew I wouldnt be happy with anything but Zaino ... I have a feeling you are in the same boat ... best of luck!
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  8. 32kcolors

    32kcolors Senior Member

    Jul 14, 2009
    Redondo Beach, CA
    2010 Prius
    Yes, Z-AIO and Z-CS would be the perfect "I care less" products for you.

    This makes little sense as Z-AIO contains cleaner and will remove some of the existing Zaino layers. It would be better to use Z-AIO only when doing the full treatment and apply a fresh layer of Z-2 or Z-5 prior to Z-CS in between.