This is my first post. I'm a newbie expecting a blue 2010 Prius III to arrive on my driveway this week. I've been lurking on Priuschat while I wait. I see that quite a few people track their actual and indicated mpg. Are there any good iPhone/iPod Touch Apps recommended by Prius owners for tracking this and other info? In addition to gas mileage, I'd like to track maintenance items and would also like a field for notes. I downloaded FuelLog3. It's nice, but very basic. Any suggestions? ~ ~ ~ [Edit: I found the Newbie Forum] I'd like to know what I should do or get as I prepare to start driving my first Prius (and first Toyota). I've read the threads about the break-in period and noted the various viewpoints about when to get the first oil change. I'll probably change the oil at 1k the first time. I've also downloaded the owner's manual to my iPod Touch. Not exactly stimulating reading so far and it sure is redundant in the "warnings" department, but I'm the kind who reads user manuals, so I plod on, confident in the belief that driving this car will be a lot more fun than reading about it. Thanks in advance for any recommendations!
I changed my oil at 1,000 miles. I do this on every new car I have ever owned and will never stop. I strongly believe that over the first few 1,000 miles there is a lot of break in of the engine. It is good to get that out. I put 305,000 miles on my last car and plan on doing the same with the Gen 3 Prius.
I also use Gas Cubby. Very useful application. Here is a link to their website. App Cubby • Gas Cubby • MPG (Fuel Economy) and Vehicle Maintenance for iPhone and iPod Touch
Open Office. use spread sheet, can customize anyway you want. free download from if you need any help or tips after downloading, just ask. i track mileage per tank both MFD and old fashioned pencil and paper method winter #'s and summer number gas prices, cost per mile. etc. as long as you collect the raw data. miles driven gas pumped in date and price paid (some here also consider the temperatures experienced during the consumption of the tank to be vital info as well but i use weather archives for general info if i am investigating anomalies. you can track, chart any combo of data you want
IMO Road Trip APP is the best APP I have used for MPG tracking, it is also more user friendly than Gas Cubby.
Thanks for the App suggestions. I've downloaded free versions to try out. Looks like a couple of these will do what I'm looking for.
Another one here for AccuFuel. Love it. For Maintenance I just dont bother tracking it to that level. Trip B is used to tell me when it's time for Oil Change.
Thanks for the flowers. Maintenance tracking seems to be of interest to many people. The GUI of FuelLog as it is in the moment does not allow for much additional functionality. Because of that I am rewriting the code for the GUI. Once the GUI is a bit more modern and more flexible I will look at adding more functions. I would like to get the GUI modernized first before tackling other features. This reads that if you have feedback and comments I will put them on my list and evaluate, but you might not see it happen sooooo soon. Attached are some pictures straight from the building site. Please ignore the green and yellow colors, these are for helping me with the layout. - Olaf