One tailgating incident I was involved in turned out very well. While driving through town at night, at the speed limit, I noticed a car fast approaching in my rear-view mirror. Soon, I couldn't even see his headlights, he was that close. I was nervous, to say the least, but continued on at the same speed, my mind racing. Suddenly, flashing lights behind me got my attention. It was a police car! As a smile broke across my face, I watched my tailgater being pulled over behind me, as I drove on. Made my day/week/month/year/decade! :bounce:
I have never had a problem with tailgaters. I have problems with people who insist on driving slowly in the left lane.
It most definitely matters. Driving substantially below the prevailing conditions is dangerous. (It's in the owner's manual.) That's why interstates have a minimum speed limit. If you're going too slow, speed up. Granted, this doesn't give the tailgater a license to be an idiot, but if you're trucking along in the left lane doing 10 or more under the speed limit, you're going to make people mad. Stay to the right and allow people to pass if you want to go slower, but make sure you're not going so slow that school buses are passing you. As for road rage, I've been a victim of that on a few occasions (odd too since I also have my fair share of speeding tickets). General rule of thumb is to move to the right, reduce speed, and do not acknowledge the behavior. If it continues, then call the police on your cell phone, exit the highway and move to a public location, and if it still continues... Well, there was a reason I used to carry a knife, but I don't recommend it. Usually just getting over and slowing down will allow their anger to transfix itself on the person in front of you. Oh my favorite was the little 17 year old in his daddy's trans-am in Dallas. Only person I've seen pass on the shoulder on the left with 4 feet clearance before the center wall. And when that quickly disappeared, he moved an 18 wheeler carrying gasoline over a lane. Didn't quite finish getting in front of the truck before merging lanes with him. Two words... Death wish.
In Germany it would be illegal to drive in the left lane without passing someone. It should be here too. Tailgating problem solved.
Only if we have a strict driving course like Germany before they issue you a driver's license, then maybe...just maybe.
You really think so? I was thinking more among the line of "Hey, I'm aware that you're tail gating me and you should know that I'm driving at the speed limit so pass on the left, if you can". No? Anyone else thinking something similar to Eoin?
It's worth repeating: Aeromod the tail of your Prius and terrify anyone thinking of tailgating with this:
After just having suffered a rear ender I have devised a plan. I will be equiping my Prius with military surplus flame throwers. When tail gated, I simply hit a dash mounted button and poof, Char Broiled Gater. The only real issue at that point is deciding which wine goes best with Char Broiled Gater?
Actually the speed limit is the speed LIMIT. If anyone drives on a military base they will know this. Flow of traffic is BS, just as a MP will tell all 15 cars he pulls over. I've seen this with my own eyes. Pulled over an entire group of people coming off base and each and every one of them isn't driving on base anymore. That was so cool. He had, like, three MPs waiting just before the gate and just moved them all into the parking lot area while the one with the radar came walking over. And Civy cops can do the same thing. Sadly, when you get off base many Army guys forget this. I will say sorry for all the Army guys in the F-250s that like to tailgate, their huge headlights in your mirror even in broad daylight. I will just say most of these guys are either lower enlisted or Dear John-ed NCOs. And most of us don't like them either. Please tell me how the flow of traffic argument works when you get pulled over. Because it sure heck didn't work for my husband who was going 70 in a 55 MPH construction zone (Freeway with the work on the side of the on coming traffic) with everyone else going the same speed. I think the question he was asked was "If everyone jumped off a bridge...?" It's great to know that once you get behind the wheel you turn ten and can say, 'But he was doing it...'
I still think it could be inflamatory. I'd go with something distracting that solves the "Please Stay A Minimum of 30 Ft Back........Infectious Biohazards Onboard". maybe coupled with a sticker that says....if you can read this sticker....see your doctor immediately...
The thing that drives the gators crazy is to put it into CC at the limit and when a gator attaches to you, tap the brake and immediate engage CC again. The gator get tired real quick with that tactic and will go around. IF, you have a real persistant gator then continue slowing down using CC in very slow and progressive steps. Putting on the hazard lights or a proper turn signal also gets thier attention. I think mostly the hurry-uppers, don't really even think about what they are doing, they are just in a hurry. Driving on a surface street a while back my son asked "Why are you going so slow?" My retort, this is a work zone, the speed limit is 25mph! ( He is a 45 year old hurry-upper!:grouphug:
My suggestion is (and also what I do) is turn on your emergency flashers until they pass you. It works for me every time.
Whenever I have someone tailgating me, I always turn on my left blinker. They always back off, because they are not sure what I am going to do and they become more cautious. Give it a try. It always works for me and changes my getting really pissed off to getting tickled by their uncertainty. Basically, you take them out of their very focused frame of mind to go faster or get around you to trying to anticipate what you are going to do next, which causes them to be more attentive and slow down.
Thats actually the best advice I've heard yet. Rather than encouraging more road rage when tapping the brakes or whatnot, this sounds like something that gets them more "eh?" than anthing - I like it.
Tailgater remedy #22: Turn on your 4 way flashers till the nitwit drops back, passes, or until a cop sees the flashers and what's going on, and pulls the pea brain behind you over. Tailgater remedy #21: Slowly drive even slower until the tailgater can either read over your shoulder, or as is more likely Roars Past you in a Display of his manhood. Be sure to smile and wave to him, as with any satisfied customer. He'll feel Superior for hours, unless his wife nags him sooner, which is probable. Tailgater remedy #20 : Turn the radio UP, and sing along with many arm gestures to indicate how you've entered a sort of musical 'Nirvana', because once the butt sniffing pinhead tailgating you realizes you're not intimidated, or even aware of him, he stops having any fun at all. Tailgater Remedy #19 : The Bug on the windshield distraction, similar to the Musical Nirvana idea in remedy # 20, only you pursue an imaginary bug on the windshield while you drive using a roller newspaper, your shoe, or other device that makes you seem unaware that the twit on your tail is even in the same universe with you. Don't forget to weave back and forth on the lane a bit to indicate you might just do something unexpected, like slam on the brakes. This kind of interpretive 'Dance' always confounds them, and its immense fun.
Often the simple well thought out bumper sticker works well. I particularly like, "Breathe Easier, You're Behind a Prius" because it makes them aware they are forced to follow a lowly Prius, and better still are likely a person who totally relaxes while driving, something they never can do, and thus makes them very uncomfortable. If the tailgaters vehicle is shiny new and spotless slip over into the shoulder from time to time throwing up gravel, dirt, water etc, and some people just wash the windshield REALLY REALLY well, all of which is very effective.
That doesn't have anything to do with displays of manhood. That's them getting pissed off at you. And if you're lucky, they won't jam on their brakes after cutting you off. No, provocation of idiots is not the proper way to deal with a tailgater. That'll just get you in a road rage situation and that can be dangerous not only to you and them, but also to other innocent drivers around you. This technique is irresponsible. This one led me to think of those times when you see that lady behind the wheel doing 10 under while putting make up on. ... I used to think, "what an idiot" but now I'm questioning myself whether or not such tactics were intentional... That doesn't help opinions much...