Saw this on TV. Apaprently Animal Care & Control (basically the city pound) is getting surge of cats coming in. If anyone was thinking of adopting a pet... Cat adoption: Chicago Animal Care and Control is at feline capacity - WGN Animal Care And Control Department Wants You To Adopt A Cat - I support animal adoption, so I thought I'd spread the word.
There's no such thing as too many cats. It's like too much chocolate. I once knew a lady with five cats. I'd have married her for her cats if she'd have had me. Alas, like all women, she wasn't interested in me that way. Once we walked into her kitchen and there was a cat on the counter-top licking the frosting of the chocolate cake that was up there cooling off. She picked up the cat and her voice said "Bad kitty!" but her eyes said "Kitty can do whatever he likes!" I've never seen so much love in a person's face. We still ate the cake. Nobody in that house minds if a cat touches the food. After all, cats are people, too.
I live near Chicago and have too many cats so I (unfortunately) cannot assist with the "too many cats in Chicago" problem.
I left the garage door open before Christmas and hear a strange sound the next day. Turns out it was a freaked out cat that chilled out after a minute. She was not feral as they don't come declawed. Whoever dumped her did not seem to care Dallas got a foot of snow a week or two later.
I figure the best thing you can do if you can't adopt (like me, crazy allergies + 2 dogs already) is spread the news to others. Also: Can I get you to correct the spelling of Chicago in the title?