Hi every one, Got my new Prius and love it... but the Phone dialing disables after 9km/h, it works when stationary, when the car starts to move the phone book, phone log and dialing screen go blank or are not usable (grayed out). I do understand this is a safety thing to stop the driver from using it but.. when my passenger needs to dial out using the Prius phone we have to stop, dial and then go. How can I disable this ??
There are many posts in quite a few other threads talking about this. In a nutshell, you can't disable it.
Search around on the forums for 'phonebook' and you will find that there are ways to upload up to 1000 numbers in to the Prius phonebook. Most everyone with a Bluetooth cellphone either loads directly from the phone following the Prius manual instructions, or use a workaround for those of us blessed/cursed with Verizon Wireless. What cellphone and company are you using? I note that you are in Oz, but I think that setup is universal as far as the phonebook is concerned. I just got mine (Verizon Motorola e815) setup by using 'Outlook Express' on my Bluetooth laptop co-paired with the phone and the Prius. At speed, all I now do is hit the steering wheel button and then one of annotated (HOME, OFFICE, PIZZA, etc) buttons. The stereo volume mutes and the phone rings. After the call, I just hit the right telephone button, hanging up the phone and then the stereo resumes. (Not quite as elegantly simple as OnStar (like on my old Venture van). OnStar allowed me to speak numbers and commands to the cellphone to dial numbers not already recorded. Most times, I just said 'CALL HOME' and the call went through. Conversely, having a cell phone that I can take away from the car is a better thing for me, so it is a tradeoff. Besides, OnStar has a limited vehicle installation group.)
I don't have a Blue Tooth phone, so I don't know for sure, but... It seems to me that if your passenger needs to dial, then they could just pick up the cell phone and dial on the phone's keypad. Won't the speakers and microphone in the Prius still work if you dial from the phone?
Search the site, I don't have the exact threads at my fingertips right now...but search under "Bluetooth speed sensor disable". In short, you can install a switch to interupt the purple speed sensor wire for the BT phone system (might as well do the same for your NAV system while you're at it as the wires are right next to each other). That way you just flip the switch and you can dial while in motion...really simple and you can choose how/where to install the switch yourself. Note that while the BT speed sensor is interupted you don't see the wheels turn on the Energy screen and the graph bars for that time period don't show on the consumption screen.
You or your passenger can dial from the phone keypad, but there's a delay of up to three seconds on all Bluetooth phones, during which the call will be in limbo. In other words, you're not dialing through the Bluetooth connection -- the call doesn't transfer to the Prius until the phone releases it. The result is that the person you call will hear nothing for a few seconds, and say "Hello? Hello?" The only thing you can do is be ready to start speaking the second you see/hear the Prius take over, even if you haven't heard the person say anything yet.