Whats the Deal?Is Toyota going to start making the Prius in China?Maybe they are only gonna make some there for the china market.I can't believe they'll make them all there.I sure hope not.
Just for China, AFAIK. Please use a more descriptive subject title in the future, it helps us sort through the several hundred posts that are made here daily.
I don't understand what's the matter of making Prius in China. Is it because of China makes "cheap" stuff? I used to work at Brookhaven National Lab (www.bnl.gov) in Upton, NY. Part of their 1km radius RHIC (Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider, http://www.bnl.gov/rhic/) was made in China. Myself, a Chinese-American, designed and have an operating circuit in the power supply of RHIC. China had made successful space shuttle flights. Many parts of your PC are made in China. I understand there's this misconception of "cheap" products are made in China. Why? Because the American corporations paid a cheap price to have their products produce in China. Don't blame China for the low quality products on US market today, blame the big business that are not willing to pay for quality. As a Chinese-American, I am proud to see China achieve the level they are at today, after what happened during the last century (if you studied modern Chinese History, you know what I mean). I guess my point is not to prejudge any nation/race. And enjoy your Prius! Scott
Some of us may recall the political situation vis-a-vis Sino-US relations more than the actual product. I, for one, spent an entire military career and most of my defense contractor career analyzing and countering the ChiCom threat. For what it is worth, I don't willingly buy Russian products either. Similarly, I am certain that my WWII veteran father flinched when he bought anything made in or by the Japanese or Germans.
Re: Toyota Prius A lot of the top quality PC parts, specifically motherboards, are MIT (Made in Taiwan) like I am. China is catching up, but not quite yet.
Re: Toyota Prius Per Toyota's website, the new Hybrid Camry will be made in Kentucky. It won't be long before they are making others.