The Lights on the Prius are all OFF, the only light you see in this photo is the flash from the camera, not nearly the candlepower of another cars high or low beams. For more go to the Photo Album section: Prius 5 Accessorized
Improved safety seemed appropriate for the MAIN Forum, this forum is for Accessories. Both are appropriate so yes, Two Postings.
Yes, and it is pretty easy to do with the 3M tape, but the cheap stretchable reflectives Not made by 3M are near impossible to line up. The 3M tape is unique, it comes with a peel off backing to expose the adhesive like all the tape, but only the 3M comes with a translucent clear overlay film that you only remove after you install the tape. This helps a great deal because it keeps the tape from stretching while you work with it. I bought the reflective tape at Be sure you order Scotchlite, Not Scotchcal The package when you receive it will say Scotchcal in big letters, but printed below in smaller letters is the Scotchlite name and number that identifies the tape color, type and size.
The administrator evidently didn't think safety was a topic appropriate to the Main Forum, so he moved the other post here under Accessories. Evidently the Main Forum got more people interested than the accessory section by about 3 to 1, in the topic. Strange Huh ?
Thanks ! I watched your slide show, Excellent Photograhy ! Somebody is very talented ! The spoked wheels really add a lot to the car.
Thanks! glad you liked it, just a hobby .. but enjoyable and fun especially with the new Prius. I agree re the spoked wheels, looks better then the covers that come with the 15". I really like the 17" wheels, but up here it is either the solar panel or the 17", not both. I hope/plan to keep this car and may add 17" done the road.
I was thinking that the Blue reflective Striping would look awesome on the Sandy Beach Metallic Prius as well.
Looks great at night. Wonder what it will look like if the whole car was covered with this. At night it will look awesome!! It will glow like a glow fly
Thanks ! I do get a lot of compliments on it, day & night. I read an article years ago on the effectiveness that reflectives have in making a vehicle more noticable in low visibility conditions. Because my work has me travel a lot, it seemed worth trying. It is not very costly to accomplish, and the materials do not permenantly mar the paint in any way. The 3m refective tape can be removed fairly easily. In fact those HOV lane stickers take a lot longer and require much greater effort to remove than all the other reflectives on the car combined.
That type of reflectivity is likely to catch the attention of The Aliens. Aren't you afraid of being sucked into the Mother Ship?
I'm guessing your blue pinstripe consists of two different rows of Scotchlite tape? What widths were they?
Definitley like the blue on the back and the white one the bottom. Whats the width for the tape on the bottom??