so i picked up my III in blizzard pearl two weeks ago and i must say i see so many of them on the road! on my commute to work just now i spotted SIX blizzard pearl gen3's. it sucks bc my top 3 color choices were sandy beach, winter gray, and barcelona.. none of which were available when i went to the dealer. i'm starting to wish i had waited on a sandy beach or something.. does this bug anyone else? sorry just had to vent.
You've made the cardinal mistake a lot of people make. You compromised on your color choice. I've lived just long enough to know that it's more important than people often think. If you don't like the color of your vehicle, you never really will be 100% happy. I had a Aztec Red Nissan Pick-up that I never liked as much as I should of, because I actually hated the Fire-Truck almost lip-stick look, my last vehicle...a way too popular metalic green...very popular in the mid 90's. That being said, Blizzard Pearl is a popular color for a reason. People like it. Try to make your vehicle your own in some other way. Maybe an interior accessory or something? Maybe, your feeling will fade. ...of course since that seems to be the only color Prius that Toyota uses in advertising in the will be re-awakened every time you see an ad. Oh well....create uniqueness opf your's too late...don't think of it as the too popular Blizzard Pearl...think of it as mks33 Ivory....
Well, you always notice your car more often once you buy it... happens every time I get a new car. Having said that, I do see a higher frequency of blizzard pearl and silvers over any other G3 colors on the road. I rarely ever ever see a Barcelona red or blue.
I have to say of all the gen III's I see, the Bpearl is def. the most popular. As long as YOU like the color, thats all that matters, your the one who has to drive it. Its a good color. My dad has one and he loves it. Its not the most popular one for no reason...
I live in Texas so Blizzard Pearl was a no brainer plus I really do like it a lot. I was tired of burning my hand on my old blue car and my wife's black one.
haha, you're right.. it's a great color. it's just that everyone and their mom has it. there are 3 bp gen3's in my work parking lot right now.
I read somewhere that most people grow to hate their car color over time - no matter which they chose. Look on the bright side. By hating it so soon after purchase, you're ahead of the curve. I personally like the BP because it doesn't show door dings and little scratches as much and it's easier to touch up than most other colors. I still think silver is the best color for not showing dirt.
I believe Bpearl with tan leather interior is a great look on this car. My personal preference would have been black/tan interior but that does not exist so I went black/misty gray that I equally enjoy I could not own a car in a color I don't like. In fact I almost always get the exact combination of options as well since I don't like to pay for what I don't value. My baby: Black, Misty Gray, III, not $1 of options on sticker. But now: Wheels, Tires, Wood or CF Dash, ...... Too many ideas....
On my 3G IV BP I removed wheel covers & installed caps, tinted windows, and installed the sharkfin antenna, mudflaps and body side moldings. I pulled up by the side of another 3G BP last week and it looked very different. Accessorize!
The Prius is so common now there is no way to feel like a special snowflake based only on your car. You will value the BP in the heat of summer. I have to admit, the metallic red was tempting. The sand and gray colors hold absolutely no appeal for me, so I think you dodged a bullet on those choices.
We have always had white cars. The spouse insisted on the Blizzard Peal because it is more visible. I think the Prius looks best in Blizzard Pearl. I have had mine now for 10 days.
I share your view but please take this in the spirit it's intended, barely anybody else notices :nerd: the differences including most Prius owners. That said, I'm accessorizing!!
Trust me you will really enjoy the pearl color down the road. It is the easiest color to keep nice looking over the long haul. In five years the pearl will still look great while hiding all of the rock chips, door dings, and small scratches. Give it some time it might really grow on you. And its the only color that when the light hits it just right the pearl really looks classy. liteguy
This discussion is kind of silly. Of course if you like Blizzard Pearl and own Blizzard Pearl you are going to like it. Of course favorite colors are subjective and personal. The OP originally stated that his TOP 3 personal choices were Sandy Beach, Winter Gray and originally the OP didn't even consider Blizzard Pearl as a top 3 personal contender. The OP then admits to making a compromise. Is that okay? Sure. But if the OP is now having regrets then it shouldn't be a suprise. Blizzard Pearl was never the choice the OP wanted to make. Everybody is free to like whatever color they have, or whatever color they want. But it has been my personal experience and observation that often when people purchase they can get so excited about getting the vehicle that they compromise on color choice. It always leads to regrets. I have done this in the past myself so that is how I know. I think people just need to value what color they want higher. I'm against a compromise. Does that mean Blizzard Pearl is a horrible color? Does that mean the OP can't learn to love it, and might even like it better than Sandy Beach or any of the other choices? No. It's too late for the OP to do anything but learn to like it or live with it. But simply telling him Blizzard Pearl is wonderful isn't going to change the reality that Sandy Beach was his first choice. A debate about the merits or perception of a personal aesthetic choice is a waste of time. I'd just say...pre-purchase..don't undervalue the value of being happy with the color choice you are making....people will nix a deal because they don't get floormats...but drive off the lot with a vehicle that is a color they don't even like. Since the color of a vehicle is the first thing you see EVERYTIME you approach your's important you like it. Don't undervalue this truth. I learned the hard way myself.
Could we have some perspective here ? OP should go live for week in the gulf oil spill or something. Sheesh
Sheesh...this is Prius Chat...just because tragedy and disaster are happening somewhere in the world (which unfortunately it almost always is) doesn't mean we can't discuss Prius, Automobiles and Color Choices...all which you could say are trivial pursuits. This is an automobile enthusiasts website...the OP's topic is perfectly valid even if it doesn't meet your personal standards of immediate importance. Infact, gulf oil spill discussion and/or color choice discussions aside, for many I suspect Prius Chat is an escape to a social enviroment inwhich the topics can be focused and ultimately important or unimportant. Engagement of individual topics is a personal choice. You don't think the topic "important enough"? Fine but why bother posting in response only to belittle the OP?
I'm a fellow (native) Californian myself. And after having a DARK colored vehicle, I chose the Blizzard Pearl because: •A: It shows less dirt than my British Racing Green MINI did. •B: It keeps the car cooler in the SUN, since the Prius is quite the greenhouse. I also have the solar option, which also assists in keeping the car cooler, as I don't have any space in my garage to park a car.