Not that there is a problem. I know how the calc are being derived. It is just that I can't see the relationship of the percent ICE on w.r.t FE. For eg., low percentage does not lead to high FE and vice versa. So the strategy is not to keep the percentage as low as possible? Vincent
gee sounds to me that if the test was done during all daylight hours, you might have made 128 mpg as the headlights on lowers your mileage some. makes for interesting speculation. hmmm 109 mpg in August... 112 mpg on June 22...longest day 100 mpg on December 22... shortest day either way, its an awesome display of user controlled destiny. here we have a car that can get ultra mileage if we choose. other cars cant. even if radically altering your driving style on a normal car, you would not get such dramatic results. my neighbor had a Jetta and she was under the impression that her mileage was just below mine. well when we checked it and started tracking it, mine was nearly double hers. so she started driving like me (since she stated that the only reason why my mileage was so high was because i drove like a wimp) and her mileage increased 2 mpg. now i dont know how well she stuck to the driving technique. she claims she did it all the time. time will tell i think since she is a college student and the recent spike in gas prices will hopefully make her conserve by driving sensibly all the time. however, i tried to tell her that her car had 2½ strikes against it for trying to get high mileage...
No problem, actually I was hoping that the team members can add their comments or any other additional info. first. Feel free to modify the spreadsheet. Vincent
I would phrase it a different way. The strategy is to keep the ICE off when you don't need it. Our shift data shows a low of 20% and a high of 36% IIRC. The difference relates to the rate of acceleration and there doesnt appear to be a specific rate that yields the best results. The HSD system is truly optimized in this respect. It would appear that as long as you keep your accel between 20-55MPG, and you don't let the ICE run while you are not accelerating, you will maximize your FE. Dan
Not exactly... a 20 MPG instantaneous is not what I would call fast acceleration. I would say that slow or moderate acceleration yield results that are similar. Slow acceleration uses fuel at a lower rate, but takes longer to get to speed, while moderate acceleration uses fuel at a higher rate, but takes less time to get to speed. It appears to be a wash. We did not experiment with fast acceleration, mainly because it would drain the battery. I prefer to use the battery power for stealth while the ICE is off. Using battery power at 80-90% efficiency seems a better idea than using ICE at max 38% efficiency. Slow to moderate acceleration will recharge the battery sufficiently during a pulse. If Ive gotta use the ICE to pulse, I might as well charge the battery also. Dan
ok thanks for the clarification. many here have said that rapid or above moderate acceleration to the cruising speed will save more gas in the long run or appears to them to be the best method for higher mileage. just wondering what your take was on this. personally, i feel that the slower you accelerate, the better the mileage. i dont consider what method of acceleration is used. so for your results, there is no differences you noticed for rates up to moderate acceleration. that is good to know. how fast is moderate?
I believe he said it didn't matter as long as you don't use assistance from the electric motor. That means not too dang fast.
Dan K- When are we going to start the thread that focuses on specific driving techniques? I've let you rest for five days but now I'm starting to get restless. You just don't understand what it was like for those of us that were on the sidelines last weekend. I know you frequent several different forums but I'm voting for this one as the center of the technique discussion. I'll follow you wherever you decide to do it though. If we do it here, let's keep it backed up in case there is another system crash like we suffered a few months back. Let me know.
Has anyone else seen the new Hybrid News? Articles on how to drive your Prius and the Marathon last August with pictures! Check it out: and