I just had my 1 year anniversary of my 2010 Prius ( 05/30 ) and something strange happened today. My XM and Nav Traffic have been turned back on. I let the free 90 day trial go last year and was surprised this morning when Nav Traffic was on and showing construction ahead. Has anyone else had their XM turned back on without subscribing ? I'm constantly receiving offers from XM to subscribe at a discount so maybe XM is using this as an enticement ? Thanks Mike
Mine too has come back to life spontaneously. I just looked at the XM radio website and saw nothing about a special reactivation deal. It's certainly an enticement to subscribe, and I'll expect to see some literature in the mail shortly.
I would just not say anything, and enjoy. See how long it lasts, but I would not keep posting it here, or they could discover their error, and send a disabling signal back out again. IT may be a temporary glitch, but as they their systems cannot tell how many radios are tuned in, they may not notice you have it turned back on.
Recently got an email from XM. They have turned on prior accounts, and have extended current, trial-period accounts, in the hope that customers will resubscribe to XM, etc. IIRC the reactivation period is one month. Marshal
Its a free preview they are running until June 7. They usually do this over a holiday period to try and get you hooked on the service and subscribe. I believe the last one was during Christmas.