Interesting... so your MFD showed lower FE than calculated? Are you sure? Most of us have shown about 4% more on MFD. What is the build date on your car?
It is his first tank, it doesn't really count. If the dealership stuffed the tank, and he stopped normally or used a different pump or had the car sloped different, this sort of anomaly will appear. A longer term average will be more useful.
MFD? Not sure what that is.... My first fillup today, 9 gals. 435 miles, 48mpg. A/C on the entire time. Both city & hwy. I am assuming this do to AC being on and me not being use to the ECO mode. I picked mine up Thursday.... Prius V with Nav. Blizzard. I like
I filled the tank both times, stopped at first click off from pump. Manufactured 3/10. 2nd tank running 62 mpg as well. All ECO mode, no AC, keep at speed limit, 40# tires, slow startups, P&G when slope of hill supports it. Car will run with the ICE off a lot when the terrain has a slight down slope. Totally different from my old 2000 Insight 5 spd which had LMPG of 63. That car gave the best mpg when the elec was never used. Shifting to a lower gear to minimize assist always gave the best mpg. With the 2010 Prius, for best mpg use the elec whenever possible and keep the ICE off. I guess that's the difference between a mild hybrid and a full hybrid. I have a common run up a back road 1000 ft climb. The Insight would use the battery extensively - arrive at the top near empty, recharge itself on the way down the ICE on continuously. The Prius keeps the battery full all the way up the hill by running the ICE then for the drive down the ICE is off the whole time. Both end up at 62 mpg for the run, but do it very differently. The Prius also has the disadvantage of 1,200 extra pounds of weight to be hauling around. Very impressive.
I just picked up a 2010 Prius III in Blizzard Pear (Awesome Color) and am averaging 57mpg according to the in car computer on about 300 miles so far. Quick question about tire pressure. The dealer filled my tires with nitrogen to the recommended pressure amount. If i want to inflate more, say 42/40 can I just add regular air to the nitrogen? Awesome car all the way around, much more refined then my 05, in my opinion.
If you fill your tires with ordinary air, you will only be getting about 80% nitrogen. The rest will be oxygen, CO2, and a host of trace gases. A nitrogen fill is just a gimmick.
Nitrogen in tires is just a gimmick. Add regular air. The nitrogen thing comes from people that follow car racing too much. If you run your tires at high speed where the tires get over 200F, then you might want to run your tires with nitrogen. It has nothing to do with molecule size or the ideal gas equation. The race guys run nitrogen because when you get over the boiling point of water, thermodynamic steam tables come in to play. I know this nitrogen thing gets beat to death, but hopefully my explanation rings a bell with someone.