I took the nav DVD (edition 9.1 D) from my 2010 Prius and put it in my 2007 Prius, hoping to update the software so that I wouldn't have to push the legal button every time I wanted to use the map on the 2007. A friend of mine had done the same thing on his 2007, and upon replacing the 2007's DVD he ended up with the new software with the old maps. Unfortunately, when I put the new disk in, all I got on the screen was a "can't read data disk" error. Put the 2007 disk back in, and it read that one fine. Any idea why this might be happening? I thought the dealer would be happy to sell me a 9.1 disk for around $300, so why can't my 2007 read it? I couldn't see any scratches or marks on either disk.
But he did the same thing as me...took a 9.1 DVD from a 2010 Prius and put it (temporarily) in his 2007. In his case, though, a message appeared about updating software, such that when he put the 2007's disk back in, the legal message acted like a 2010...it went away on its own after a few seconds, without requiring the button to be pushed. Maybe not all 2010s have the same disk?
Yep ... different generations of DVD players, as well as data bases. One other thing I've found while playing with different formats of the Navteq disks and DVD players ... sometimes a disk will seem like it's not working ... but then, if you disconnect your 12v aux battery, then try to start the ignition, the loss of 12v power will clear memory in the DVD player, and sometimes allow a new format to load properly. Just a thought.
How well do you know this friend? Because what he has described is not possible. The disk does not write anything to the nav system itself, the nav system operates off of the data on the disk. Even if you could load the 2010 data disc, the system would no longer operate on the 2007's data disc. The system cannot be downgraded once it is upgraded.
He put the 2010 disk into his 2007, and the screen said it was updating the software...then it said it couldn't read the map data. He then put the 2007 disk back in, and (fortunately) it displayed the map just fine. And now when he starts the 2007, the legal message behaves like the 2010: It clears itself after a few seconds without having to push a button. I was trying to do the same thing to my 2007, but it never gets to the "updating software" part. All I get is the can't-read-the-data-disk message.
All I can say is thats not possible, what happened to your car is exactly what would happen. I wonder if maybe his car always did that and he just never waited long enough to see that it hit the agree button for him.
No, it definitely cleared the legal warning on its own, just like with the 2010 Nav system. So are there two different 9.1 DVDs out there? One that comes with the 2010 models, and another sold as map upgrades for the 2007s?
Yes, the 2010 model has the Toyota Gen 6 navigation system and the 2006-2009 (and maybe the '04 & '05) have the Gen 5 navigation system. Both systems have totally different disks that are not compatible with each other. FYI the nag screen was replaced with an auto clearing screen in the 7.1 upgrade. Our '08 with the 7.1 disk does not require you to press a button.
As Jelloslug mentioned, the 7.1 update changed the "I Agree" screen, so you don't have to press a button, it will clear itself after about 5 seconds (BTW - if you press the map button twice quickly it clears immediately). I suspect your friend may have had a disc from a 2009 Prius, rather than a 2010...? The easy answer of course, is if he still has this "2010 disc", just google the part number and you will quickly find if it is a Gen 5 or Gen 6 disc. As others have said, they are absolutely not compatible, and would receive the "unreadable" message you received if you insert the wrong disc.