"B-Pee Day" - Take a leak on BP in revenge | Facebook They are urging members to leak on BP stations after their company leaked on us.
i like it! short of that, is there any talk of a boycott? i have never used bp and never will. and havn't used exxon since they leaked all over us.:rockon:
I stopped patronizing Citgo when I learned that the company is owned by the Country of Venezuela. This was immediately after Chavez called Bush "el Diablo" which I personally agree with but was offended by public shots at our President. My visits to BP were few and far between prior to the spill and will be fewer now.
NYT today states BP knew 11 months ago the well casing and BOP might not work and gave the blind eye - Bernie Madoff might have new inmates.
Boycott of Exxon for the Valdez disaster. Boycott of Texaco for workplace racism. Boycott of Chevron for tying up NiMH battery technology to slow down EVs. Boycott of BP (Arco) for Gulf of Mexico disaster. I'm gonna run out of places to buy gas. :madgrin:
They have a terrible record in the Niger Delta. Tell Shell to come clean in the Niger Delta, Act Now, Amnesty International Australia - Working to Protect Human Rights I have no problem buying gas from Citgo. People are entitled to their opinions and say whatever they want about whoever they want, it's their actions that really matter.
i won't buy from them either, but they have a sneaky program they work with joe kennedy bringing low cost/free oil to the poor in the boston area. i wish an american company would do that.
I don't remember where I read it anymore... but from what i recall, the gas you find at your local BP may not have been pulled out of the ground or refined by BP. Each step of the process acts independently. A company may drill and start pumping oil, but then sell it to a competitor because their refinery is closer. That competitor will refine it, and may end up selling some of it back to the original company because their stations are near that companies distribution points. So in short, the odds that the gas you get from the pump at BP comes from a different location than the gas at the Citgo down the street are pretty low. Further, while boycotting BP stations may have a small impact on BP's bottom line, the company will still do just fine selling it's oil to the next station down the block, where you'll consume it anyways.
This is very true. We have relatives who have worked in this field and say that all the business about who or where you buy from is crap because of the mixing at refineries and the way the base products are processed and sold. It is only toward the final delivery stage that it becomes more brand specific.