I had the dealer disable the beep in the "R" reverse position soon after I got my Prius. This worked great. After about a week, however, I now notice that the "R" synbol blinks whenever I am in the "R" position. Can anyone shed some light on this.....dealer doesn't seem to know much about this. Also, when pushing the start button, the dash only showed the warning symbol and TRAC symbol for a couple of seconds and then went out. Recently, however, 8-10 warning symbols come on in the right part of the screen and then go out. Any idea why this suddently comes on? Thanks/Ron
The blinking R is because you disabled the warning beep. If it can't beep at you, it flashes as the next best thing. All of the indicators light during power-up as a test. It is normal. I suspect you didn't notice before. Tom
I agree with Tom,the R Symbol always blinks whether reverse beep is disabled or not,on my 06 dashboard lights up,last symbol to extinguish is the SRS Airbag icon.
On my 2006, the R symbol was solid before I switched off the reverse beep. It started flashing after I made the change. Tom
Driving this thing for a year, I didn't notice the flashing R before or after disabling the rear beep, until reading this thread. My eyes were always pointed the other way.