I must say that I'm overwhelmed with your great responses! You have all reminded me of the reasons why I wanted the Prius in the first place: first, and foremost, my husband and I love the idea of driving a low emissions car and doing something for the planet and future generations. (my husband works in conservation and he talked me into looking at the pri), second reason was the good gas mileage! I still have 2 teenage sons at home and put countless miles on my car just driving them all over the place...and third, I'm sick of being a van mom! Call it midlife crisis, but I've been driving a van for close to 12 years now and can't wait to drive something with a little more pizzazz! The Prius sure has that!! So, having said all that, thanks to all of you! I should have stuck with my first instincts. I had rented the car for the weekend before I decided to buy and fell in love. It was so fun to drive! Thanks for reminding me of that! You guys are great!
momsum, I'm glad that you're psyched about your Prius again. I have had mine for less than a week and I'm over the moon. I find it very smooth and comfortable, and my husband and I both found that the windows in the rear sides of the car actually increase visibility in what would normally be your blind spot. I got used to the back window very quickly, too. I'll drive this car as long as it will have me. I'm completely in love.
Seats are a very personal thing. I would try to spend some time in whatever car you buy. Never buy a car that is not comfortable, no mater how many other things you like about. I'm fairly certain that there is no car that everyone will find comfortable. My wife and I are both quite large and she has a bad back and so is ultra critical on seats. When we were shopping she rejected at least 90 percent of the cars we tried because she could not get comfortable. We just took and 2000 mile vacation and never had any problem with the seats. Since I have only had the car for about six months I don't how they will hold up, but for now we are both quite pleased. Personally I like the plastic interior--it helps to give the car a unique feel. One thing that you should remember is that some people are very critical about things like tires, and would probably replace the stock tires on almost any car they bought. The blind spot on the Prius is a bit larger than on many cars, but I don't have any problem checking it. I have not had any problems with any of the things you mention. The only things I added to my Prius are a litter bag and license plate frames. I really can't think of anything else that it needs.
Momsum, You are going to be buying a wonderful vehicle. Not every car is perfect, however lots of folks want perfect cars, however they never find one, they just complain about the one they have. I have been impressed by the Prius since day one. I was given a reluctant test drive by my local dealership last September and I was hooked. The dealer didn't even know how to start it when he got in. I had to show him. I read the valet card in the armrest before he got out to the car with the key. :lol: The car drove much better than other mid sized vehicles I had test driven, but it is a small mid sized. It isn't a slalom champion, however I have never felt insecure driving it and have never had any negative experiences. Side winds are noticeable, however, but if you are a good driver and understand your vehicle, you will compensate by driving slower or anticipating winds better. The only thing I wish for is leather. I really miss that. I may yet recover the seats, but that is a personal choice, not a reflection of the quality of the vehicle. I do not find the seats hard. They are firm, but comfortable. Adjusting the recline is very helpful. However seats are a personal thing. Not all car companies put the same amount of design and effort into seating. I would argue that Ford has the most comfortable seats in the auto industry. I think that GM has the worst. Toyota is pretty high up there in terms of seat comfort. This is a 180 degree turn around from 10 or 15 years ago when most Japanese cars had what I would consider the worst seats in the industry. So, I don't think seating is going to be an issue for you. The fabric on the armrest on early release models did have a problem coming unattached from the lid, however, everyone that has reported this and then followed up said that the dealer was happy to make a warranty claim and their armrests have been replaced. I have no issues with my armrest, and I cannot see a place where the fabric would release from the lid. I'm sure this was an early manufacturing issue that was resolved once they discovered the problem. I do not get the EPA advertised mileage. In fact the EPA test makes the mileage very unrealistic as compared to the real driving you will do. The whole point of EPA mileage estimates is to give buyers a level footing by which they can compare mileage across a vehicle segment. They are not there to tell you what kind of mileage you are going to get. Your mileage on a new vehicle will improve as the vehicle breaks in and as the tire ridges are worn off. Your first few tanks will not be impressive, but it gets better from there on out. All vehicles have plastic interiors. I have no idea why folks complain about it. Anyway, would you rather have plastic lining the interior of your vehicle, or metal as it was in the 50s? I think the answer is clear. The plastics have a nice feel. Door panels are smooth to the touch, almost silken or velvety. Textured panels, like the lower of the door panel and the dash are a rougher plastic, however it isn't formed to look like fake leather, like some companies have chosen to do. Switches and controls are all pretty stock Toyota, especially window and mirror switches. I really like the digital dash. That was one of the biggest reasons I purchased this car. How many vehicles on the market in the sub $25000 range have digital dash, trip computer, and touch screen. None. Oh, the same applies to auto climate, which I love. You will love your car. Don't let the naysayers let you think otherwise.
Well stated points, jeromep. I take one exception and that is the vinyl on the lower door panel; another material that is quite inexpensive and durable is fabric. Other cars that I have owned of lesser price had cloth or at least a cloth/vinyl cover. Like you, I like this car and do recommend it.
[ The only things I added to my Prius are a litter bag and license plate frames. I really can't think of anything else that it needs.[/quote] Now that sounds like something I can live with! Hopefully, I'll be driving mine by next week and can fill you all in with what I love about the car.
On Friday the 12th I'll have owned my Prius Pkg 4 for one week and I am happy as a clam. When I was thinking about a new car purchase months ago the Prius was not on my list as I thought it was just a tiny little eco car. I happened to pass by a Prius at the Dallas auto show and got inside it to take a look. I was very surprised by the design of the interior and and the amount of room inside. I liked the amount of storage behind the rear seats and the clean appearance of the engine compartment. The Prius impressed me more than anything else at the car show and when it came time to make a purchase decision the Prius was the winner. I've had to get used to driving it and learning the blind spots but that is the case with any car. Seats seem ok to me but I have not taken a road trip yet. Living in Texas tinted windows are a must. The Prius seems quiter than the 2001 Honda Accord EX I used to drive. I have an Ipod and TomTom GPS so did not need the features of Pkg 5 or Pkg 6. I just love the car and everytime I press that Start button and the dash lights up and things beep I feel like I'm in one of those Star Trek DS9 Runabout shuttles. So go ahead and get your Prius and enjoy a fun car that also happens to get great gas mileage and is kind to the environment. Anla'Shok