Dogllama, where to you ride...myself and a few friends ride as well and they go to track days too. check out the forum.
Update on MPG: My best tank with 15s = 48 mpg. Best so far with 17s = 47.5 mpg. Obviously, I'm not a hypermiler.
looks good. I was wondering when somebody was going to black out that small portion on the solar panel roof that was still painted. Did you just use vinyl over that section?
Update on the MPG: Up to 51.1 mpg (best tank) with the moderate temps. I can't imagine getting much better with the 15's and the way I drive.
I'm kind of new to all this, so please excuse the newbie question... What do you mean by Blacked Out Roof Panels? What do you do to them and what purpose does it serve? Thanks... Rob.
On the Solar Roof models, the entire roof is black except two small panels near the rear. I installed black vinyl over those panels for the look.
What did you do about your tire sensors? Did you have to register them again with the dealership? Did they transfer over, or did you buy new ones? Looking to get new wheels too!