I just got my Prius the other day. When I get in the car the alarm sounds before I can press the power button. Sometimes the alarm sounds when I approach the car. Sometimes the alarm sounds when I touch the drivers door handle. The other key fob is on my desk far from the car when the car's at home, obviously the key fob is far away when I am out and about. Other key fob issues are that sometimes I have to unlock the car with the fob to enter the car. Other times I have to unlock the car to open the hatch. This seems weird. I can't go to the dealer every time something happens 'cause the dealer is 50 miles. Thanks in advance, Max
When you touch the drivers door handle the car is supposed to beep, that's the SKS. Is it beeping or sounding a long lengthy alarm? You have a Prius III, which has 1 door SKS. So unless entering using the drivers door, you would have use the fob to unlock the doors to enter through another door or hatch.
The Prius beeps when I touch the door handles. But it is not a sensitive to my touch as the car on the showroom floor. I have to move my finger to get it to lock. When I unlock the car with the SKS and get in, then the alarm sounds as I am getting situated in the seat. The FOB is in my shirt-jac pocket. Sometime the alarm sounds as I approach the car. Sometimes the alarm sounds when I have the hatch open. Many times when I am trying to open the hatch, I have to use the FOB to unlock the car. According to the documentation there is suppose to be a receiver at the back of the car. Thanks for responding, Max
I don't think there is a factory installed alarm for the 2010 Prius. If the car comes with an alarm system it is installed either at the port of entry by the Toyota region or by a dealer. My recommendation would be to have it removed, they seem to cause problems and probably won't help prevent a break in.
Yeah, what alarm? I'd bet that the dealer installed some junk at a ridiculous price. Have him remove it for free before it drains one or both of the batteries (but it's too much to hope for a refund after taking delivery).
? Mine doesn't beep when I touch the handle nor when I press the FOB. Actually I have only heard my car alarm once and thats when I went into Mcdonalds and my dog was in the car and I forgot to turn the motion sensory alarm off. But it is good to know the alarm thing works. Other than that I get no beep nor alarm when using FOB or touching the handle to open or close the door.
European model must have some key differences. I get a distinct beep as the door unlocks when touching the handle with the FOB on my person.