I've been waiting for my Tideland (pkg 6) and have spent countless hours searching through this forum for insider tips. I've learned lots of good and useful info...but... Yesterday I read the threads about, "most disappointments with Prius" and "hardest thing to get used to". I ended up depressed! Spending 25 grand plus is a huge deal to me (as I'm sure it is to all of us) but after reading some things I'm beginning to wonder. Some complaints for example: 1. the seats are awful, uncomfortable and need to be covered, 2. the interior plastic is of poor quality..scratches, squeeks and is uncomfortable to rest arms on, 3. the console cover comes off and is of poor quality, 4. backing up is a nightmare with poor view and (as one put it) merging to right in traffic is like a shot in the dark! OMG I really can't afford to add: a whole new set of tires to improve stability, tint windows for sun and wind noise?, seat covers, bras etc...the list goes on. I know I'm sounding like a baby , and I really want to love my new car! I've been dreaming about it for months! Maybe, like the bride and groom, I'm just getting the usual cold feet. Help! I could use some encouragement that this truly is the great car that I thought it was! It is due to arrive next week and I want to drive away confident in my decision. Thanks to all who reply!
I love mine even more everytime gas goes up The plastic is not really cheap it has a different feel because its made from plants instead of oil product. I personally have no issues with the seats I feel fine after a 5 hour trip I wished it would go back about 2 more notches im 6'3" but I have more legs room than in most cars. I as far as rear view I can see out of it perfect unless you are 4'5" I don't see how in the world you couldn't see out of the back glass. But hey go drive one for yourself and forget about what your read. When I first was looking at them I have to wait for 2 months just to sit in one luckly I meet someone walking into a store that had one and let me get a feel for it. Then about 1 month later I goto test drive one 5 min I pulled out $1000 to order one.
If the negative comments of a few people can make you completely change your mind, you might also want to avoid "investigative reporting" for fear of becoming a total shut-in. I have the BC package, the one you're getting. I love my car. 1) I drive an hour to and from work and am comfortable the whole time. I have driven my car from Chicago to Nebraska and to Southern Indiana. I was comfortable the whole time. 2) Everything contains plastic these days. It doesn't bother me. The Buick Regal I traded in had an entirely plastic dash. Was it "softer" plastic? I don't know; don't rightly care either. 3) I'm not sure about the console cover. Mine's never given me any hint of trouble. 4) Alright, you're in New York. So you understand about merging into traffic. I drive my car on the Tri-State tollway around Chicago and on the Interstates leading into and out of Chicago. When traffic's moving it's moving fast and people are absolutely out of their minds. I have experienced no difficulty merging, lane-changing, or generally driving safely. 5) And what's so tough about backing up? You've got two windows to look out of. One of my biggest complaints about other drivers is that they do not know the dimensions of their vehicle and how to handle it moving forward and backward. Perhaps it's because I used to drive a forklift in a warehouse and I love going backwards. But again, I've never had a problem. In the end, I don't know what to tell you. I mean, if reading one post can totally sway you against the car in the face of the literally hundreds of posts containing people absolutely glowing about driving their Prius, there's nothing I can add that could possibly change your mind. Maybe it's that you were subconsciously looking for a reason to not buy the car and now that you've found it you're going to rally around it. Only you can decide if the car is right for you.
Hey, I'm in NY too. I have my Prii for a little bit over 2 months. I tell everybody that I love the car. I drive to Long Island for work. My commute is at least 1hr and 15 min (~50 miles one way). And I only need to fill up once a week. If I drive my old Pathfinder, I think I need to fill up like once every two days! I merge onto highways all the time. I don't feel any problem with it. I am 5'7, and I feel the seats are comfortable, well, after getting used to it that is. I do agree about the poor view. When I first drive the car, I cut into the left lane, but there was a car there that I didn't see in the mirror. Lucky nothing happened. So from that time on, other than looking in the mirrors, I also turn my head and look on the side before I change lane. About the center console, I bought this cover from ebay (~$20), and never worry about it. I haven't have any problem with the interior plastic yet. But one thing I can tell you is, you won't regret getting this car! (Toyota should give us commission for this :lol: ) Hope this helps. Scott
You've had a good report and now mine. Yesterday, I listed our 3 month old Tideland with the #6 pkg., upgraded tires, tinted windows, seat covers, and floor mats. We are probably the exception, but we can't ride in it for more than 1 1/2 hours before we both have to get out and walk around. It doesn't get the advertised mpg, although it is better than anything on the market today. The nav system is not as good as an after market one we have in other vehicles. It certainly isn't worth what they charge for it. I tried to convince myself that the mileage was worth the discomfort and loud road noise, but life is too short. I want to be comfortable 1st and economical next. We will go back to a minivan for our main car when the Prius sells. For us there are more important aspects of travel than 50 mpg. Doug
I don't know what cars you have driven before, but coming from a 11 year old Corolla, to me it seems like I bought a super luxurius car. But, also I have to add that I did not shop around for a car. I've heard about Priuses, I saw some Priuses on a road. I went to one dealer who told me I could test drive one. The moment I drove it, I wanted one. I then shopped around to get a "best deal" on a prius but I didn't look at any other cars. I am 5'3" and I do not have a problem seeing through the back window. At first when I got the car it felt strange to look through the split window but now it feels just normal. I actually prefer it now, since I can see the car behind when I am parallel parking. I have no problem with the seats. They are not hard for me, they are normal, but I don't like soft seats. Soft seats feel old to me, like you've been seating on them for many years and the springs or foam is not firm any more. I drive my car for 1 hour each way to work every day. I guess what's comfortable for one may not be comfortable for another. The plastic is just like plastic. Maybe it is a cheap plastic but it is fine. I get no squeeks. Maybe the car is too new (3 weeks). My fabric doesn't come off and I rest my arms and they are fine. And I honestly don't get what this statement "merging to right in traffic is like a shot in the dark!" means. Maybe if you just don't know how to merge in general, you would have a problem even in a Prius.
Consumer Reports magazine researches customer satisfaction for their yearly automotive issue. Prius owners easily topped the list, with 94% telling the survey that they would definitely buy one again and were highly satisfied. Personally, so far I am thrilled with my Prius. We are currently averaging 46 mpg in town, which is a welcome change from the 16 mpg that is standard for a sedan. The rear visibility took some getting used to, but I agree with other posters on this forum that it is essential to USE the side mirrors, which many drivers are not accustomed to doing.
Since everyone is chiming in... I don't have a problem with the seats, the armrests are a different story. I added the leather covers from ebay and that is much better, so far. The rear isn't hard to see out of, its just that its so small you can't see much. I'm use to hatchbacks, so it doesn't bother me. My pet peeve is the A Pillars. Just huge. Interior is cheesy, but toyos aren't exactly luxury cars. Nav is so so but I'm sure not as good as a dedicated unit. No experience. Ride is fine, trips are fine. Gas mileage isn't like advertised, but is better than most so who cares. Don't let others make your decision. About any car you went to buy you'd get a ton of its great/it sucks.
I guess that depends on you height and other things. Well, I beat the EPA milage. Milage depends on how u drive, the terrain, your tire pressure, temperate, etc. I do have an after market GPS, so I didn't even bother looking to get one for the car. Well.. remember we only have one planet, so the low emission and high mpg is more important for me. Certainly, there are more important aspects of travel than 50 mpg, but not 60mpg! :wink: I do respect your choice. Wish things would work out better between you and your Prii. Good luck with your future car. Scott
harryg 04 tidelandpearl bc camano isl, wa We love our prius, had it just over a year. To eliminate blind spots: for driver's side; lean your head against the glass on drivers door and adjust the mirror until you can just see the side of the car. To adjust pass mirror; lean until your head is in the center of car, adjust pass mirror until you can just see right side of car. It will take just a little while to get used to, but it will eliminate those dangerous blind spots.
WOW! I didn't expect such a great response! Thank you, thank you, thank you! I know in my heart that it is a great car, and I guess there will always be people who have complaints. The car I test drove had the console cover coming off, so I think I'll invest the 20 bucks for that. (does the leather look OK with the cloth seats?) Maybe I was just feeling low because...we just found out my son's college apartment isn't furnished! Have 2 weeks to come up with something and all I can see are $$$ signs flashing before my eyes! Thanks again for the encouragement. I Will be happy with my Prius! :mrgreen:
A solution, which may not be simple to accomplish... simply rent one for awhile and drive it to decide whether to purchase it. If the car rental car and dealerships do not have to rent, then perhaps you can find someone herein to have a driving date with. I would guess after a couple of hours of driving, you will know one way or the other, if the car is for you. I found a friend/acquaintance who had a Prius, and I managed to get "their" grand tour of the car along with about an hour of drive time, in exchange for lunch. You seem like you are over your sticker/pre-purchase shock, and on your way to purchase. But if not, I am sure many of us can offer words of encouragement again. Good luck. jck
i think that i would think twice before paying for a fully loaded Prius also. maybe im old, but 1) the need for a better stereo for me just isnt there. 2) the Nav is nice i guess, but i have a Nav for my laptop that was total less than $200 and it covers nearly all of North America including Hawaii 3) bluetooth is conveinent but i have 4 excellent headsets and an external speaker (which i hardly ever use) and the hassles many have experienced with sound quality... well kinda neutral on this one, but not something i really want to pay for since there are BT methods available that are better sounding and only involves adding a portable external speaker. all that said, the mid level with SKS and side air bags is an excellent buy. seats can be uncomfortable for some but there are pads that can help that. for me lower thigh support made longer trips much more comfortable. but none of these really address the fun you will have driving the car. ya i said fun. working on improving your driving skills and tracking eack tankfull of gas as you continue to improve is addicting. you know you are addicted when 50 mpg is a disappointment to you when only months earlier you felt like you had won the lottery when you hit the big 5-0. when you start bragging to your friends and carry around pics of your MFD on those 600 mile tanks in your wallet will you know that you love your Prius. you might think its funny now and you have every right to be. but addiction is a sneaky and devious thing. but as i mentioned, its still a LOT OF FUN!
Scotty is correct regarding our planet. When we first looked at the Prius, our main reasons for buying it was to do our small part in conserving a limited fossel fuel supply and helping to decrease polution. The car meets both of those qualities very well. If we were only going to drive it in the city or very limited distances, it would be fine, as it is fun to drive. I suppose we could take the Avalanche @ 18mpg on long trips and keep the Prius for local trips only. At least then we would be contributing something towards cleaning up the air and reducing fuel consumption. It might be too late now though. Last night my wife looked at a Sienna XLE Limited and the smile is still on her face today. We'll see what happens over the week end. If I can't get my asking price, we'll have to go to plan B. Doug
To Momsum I am also in the New York area. For your son's apartment I recommend Ikea - won't cost much at all. As for the Prius, i am just starting to get used to the HARD seats and I am hoping they will soften up over time. Not that I like very soft seats, either, but come on - the seats are not far from subway seat hard. You do have to be careful with the blind spots, too. My Tercel has much better visibility. Every time I merge left I turn my head and look out the rear window. As you know, in New York there is usually someone in the blind spot right beside and just behind you. Other places may be different, but in New York you simply cannot drive without using all 3 mirrors all the time.
It looks as though momsum is back to feeling good about her decision to purchase a Prius. Still, I offer these comments about her concerns: 1. the seats are awful, uncomfortable and need to be covered - I find the seats quite comfortable. I haven't covered them. I was tempted to do so, to protect against stains, but the seats are great at repelling stains 2. the interior plastic is of poor quality..scratches, squeaks and is uncomfortable to rest arms on - I hadn't even noticed the quality of the plastic. That's not something I would notice, or even care about, unless it was falling apart when I took delivery, which it wasn't. As for resting arms on the plastic, I don't find the plastic uncomfortable, but I do find that arm rests are a bit wider (meaning further from me) than I'm use to, though that's not as annoying as it was when I first got the car. 3. the console cover comes off and is of poor quality - This is another thing I never noticed. The cover hasn't come off on mine, so I have no complaints about its quality 4. backing up is a nightmare with poor view - it does take some getting use to, but I no longer find this to be an issue. Heck, when I go on vacation with a much larger SUV, I can't even see out the back window (bikes, and tons of gear). In short, you use the side mirrors a little more to give you a better sense of what's behind you, but the view out the back window is more than adequate. 5. merging to right in traffic is like a shot in the dark - that's a new one to me. I frequently merge to the right, on Interstates and non-Interstates, and have NEVER had a problem doing so 6. I really can't afford to add a whole new set of tires to improve stability - there are some on this forum that feel this is an essential purchase. I've never understood what the complaint is. The stock tires have served me very well, and the car is very stable. 7. I really can't afford to add tint windows for sun - you don't need to. Seriously, I live in eastern PA (i.e., south of you), and have never felt a need to add aftermarket tint to the windows. 8. I really can't afford to add something for wind noise - that's another thing that some seem to feel is necessary, but I can't understand why. I've never felt that wind noise or outside noises were a problem in the Prius 9. I really can't afford to add seat covers - see above 10. I really can't afford to add bras - geez, now I find myself discussing bras with a female that I've never even met. Where was my Prius years ago when I was in high school? :wink: Cars are made to be driven. I've given up worrying about stones causing scratches on the front of my car, or bugs getting on the front of the car. If those things bother you, then a car bra might be a good accessory, though to me it's not something I've ever considered adding to my Prius. You truly have decided to purchase a great car. Don't fret about little things that bother some people. Just enjoy your car. You seem like a practical person, and I doubt that you'll find many issues with your Prius.
momsum, Don't despair, I've been quite happy with my Prius, and it's only a Package 2 I've had it for a little over a month now and drive about 85 miles a day round-trip to work, including turnpike and surface road driving, it's been *comfortable, powerful and "sure-footed" with all stock equipment. My wife, 2 kids and I took the Prius on our family vacation, driving from southeast PA to Williamsburg, VA, everyone was comfortable, all our luggage fit in the back without having to pile it up over the cover. All of the concerns you mention are matters of personal preference, have you had a chance to test-drive a Prius and see for yourself? *the driver seat could be a little more comfortable or ergonomic, but it's not something that makes me regret the purchase, nor would it keep me from buying another Prius.
We have had our 2005 Silver AM Prius for 9 months - and we love it! Prius is a different kind of car, designed primarily to minimize emissions. There is a learning curve to owning and driving a Prius. Good fuel economy (our mean is 48 mpg at 11.5k mi, some tanks are 65 mpg, 500+ mi per tank is easy) is a side benefit. No smog checks and the federal tax deduction is nice. As a biophysical geographer who uses GIS, the current navigation system is not good quality. I do not need to be on the phone while I am driving - so we saved $2500 by avoiding the high end package. We love the steering wheel controls. Good heater and air conditioner. I drove a 1991 4Runner for 14 years (180k mi, 23-25 mpg), so Prius is a "luxury car" by comparison. I get to model what I teach. My Trek 5200 fits in the back for those days with a bicycle commute. People constantly ask me about the Prius. I point out that (in California), the NimH battery pack is guaranteed for 150k. I open the hood to show that everything is laid out for easy maintenance. Oil change intervals are 5k mi. We use Mobil 1 (purchased at discount at Costco). I look forward to Toyota expanding the number of hybrid models. A RAV4 hybrid will be nice. A plug-in Prius will be even better.
I was one of the posters of "things I would change", but do I wish I had purchased a different car? NO! I have 4 other cars, some more luxurios, some less - but I like drving the Prius most of all. And even though it is not as somfortable as the others, I convinced my wife to take it on a trip last weekend and aside from a little squirming to try and stretch out my legs, it was great fun. Every car on the planet will have some negative features - nothing I read in those posts would change my mind about buying a Prius. I know you will love your car!