My wife and I were shopping yesterday evening. While slowing down to make the turn into the shopping center parking lot, It happened! We felt the jolt, I looked behind me and see a Chevy setting against my rear bumper. It could have been worse as no one was hurt. The other driver said he was really sorry. Said he saw me slowing down, stood on his brakes but could not stop in time. I thought we were the ones with the supposed brake issues, not our goverment baled out GM cars. hwell: Anyway, The police came, it was a rear ender so it's a no brainer who was at fault. Was told to go to the police station this coming tuesday to pick up the police report and I need to contact my insurnace company. In the mean time, here are some pics. Anyone care to guess the cost of the damage? When I get the estimates I will post them here to see who is the closest.
GeoDesign, Welcome to Club Innuendo. Similar thing happened to us ~a month ago. We also were popped forward into the car ahead. Our repairs required new bumper covers and replacement of the various energy absorbing substructures front and rear, and some straightening of the body just below the rear hatch and lower edge of the hatch itself. Then repainting of the covers and vertical surface of the hatch. Total cost ~$3K. With a new rear bumper cover and energy absorbing materials, repaint of bumper cover, UWAG (Unscientific Wild-nice person Guess): ~$1K. Note: I've been told that in any rear end accident the energy absorbing stuff gets somewhat compressed. It needs to be replaced to ensure full capability should it happen again. It wouldn't surprise me at all to hear that the paying insurance company dosen't think it is necessary.
We were rear ended (in a Honda Element by a Lexus) and needed all kinds of things replaced including impact absorber devices that look like short shock absorbers. The insured's company actually recommended replacement of all of these items.
Well, good luck on this. I was all hot under the collar, squawked like hell, and spoke to my adjuster and any number of folks at the head office. I got nowhere on getting an alignment in my repairs. The basis for the refusal was that there was no meaningful damage to the frame and all the forces of the collision were essentially straight-line fore and aft. I went down screaming, but "No" it was, and "No" it stayed. My post accident FE/MPGs appear to be unaffected by the accident: * still seeing ~55 MPG on my daily 28 mile round trip daily commute -- 50/50 urban/highway miles. * recently got 58 MPGs (~60 MPH, 85 degF OAT, air co at 78degF) on a 360 mile jaunt to and from the northern NJ shore. (MPGs from ScanGauge)
Well Fellow Prius Chatters, I'm so far very impressed with our insurance company (State Farm). I just got off the phone with them. Inside of a 30 minute phone call, My car will be going to an autherized Toyota Body shop, a rental car will be awaiting me there and they will be presuing the other parties insurance company for me. Other then some inconvience, I have no out of pocket cost and am being insured the repairs will not be short cutted, all parts will be geniue toyota replacements so the car will be in factory condition when repaired. All that, and fast on a Saturday morning. I will post the repair estimates, the final tally and pics after the repair.
Make sure State Farm doesn't increase your premium. I know some insurance companies do regardless who's fault. Good luck.
I too have been very happy with State Farm. It's well worth the extra money it costs me over the on line and mail order companies. They have an office a mile from my house and an agent who gives me his home phone number and will be on my side if worse comes to worse.
Too bad to hear about another incident. I recently was rear ended in my Honda Fit. Similarly..maybe a little detachment or cracks...damage. Seemed very cosmetic to me. Still ended up being just under $1000 when all was said and done. Painting and bodywork can really add up fast. You've already gotten a lot of good advice and I have little to add. My only cautionary tale...would be that in the end when I went to pick up my automobile it seemed the body shop had done a good job with the repair and the paint, but they had reinstalled a new rear bumper applique really badly. Not positioned correctly and slightly crooked. Maybe something to discuss upfront, and let them know beforehand that it's something you will be looking at. I "trusted" that a reputable body shop would be able to put a bumper protector back correctly and it resulted in an additional week and another trip back to the bodyshop before I could really file the whole experienced down as being "resolved".
Why do you say this? I was rear-ended twice in my new Prius and saw no increase in the recently received bill (Farmers). They will pursue the other party's insurance company for damages, car rental expenses, and deductible and it's not costing them in the end so there's no reason for the premium increase. It's a much less hassle than claiming and dealing with the other insurance company yourself. P.S. It was $678 for a new bumper.
Even though my accident was 100% not my fault, I initiated my claim through my insurance...mostly for the convience of not having to deal with the other insurance company. I HOPE they do not increase my premium. But I did get a letter from them during the process where they thanked me for notifying them, said they expected full recovery from the other insurance company but could not guarantee that recovery. So far the other Insurance Company has paid, but I do have some fears that my Insurance company will use it as an excuse to raise my rates...even though the whole incident was absolutely NOT my fault. When I get my next premium I'll let you know. Oh, and my insurance is AMICA which I've had for a long, long time. I can say they have fantastic customer support. I've stayed with them for a long time, because they are so professional when the unfortunate reality of having to use them manifests. They might not be the cheapest, but I appreciate the excellent level of customer service they are able to provide....
I've been hearing good things about State Farm, lately. Note that the OP said that SF will go after the other insurance company for them. That's standard procedure. I was hit in a parking lot, when my car was parked (I wasn't even in it!). The driver of the van that hit me (it was the Malibu - remember that poor accident magnet?) wasn't insured. Well, after it was fixed, the driver DID pony up the money, and our insurance company refunded our deductible... but they STILL raised our rates! We moved our insurance business elsewhere. That was Farmers Ins. My daughter has had SF for a few years now (and a pretty bad accident in there), and is happy with them.
I get all the same things, but if they do increase your premium (beyond the normal standard increase), it's time to switch to a more reputable insurance company like Farmers or State Farm. There's a reason why online and mail order companies charge the way they do, only to turn around and increase on you at the first sign of an accident.
How do you know it was not a normal increase in premium that's bound to happen once in a while, irrespective of claims? They can't be charging the same premium for years and years while the COL goes up.
Thanks for all the good advice. I had all intention and assumed that when I had contacted my insurance company I would be told to presue the other parties insurance. State Farm advised me that it could be a hassle as the other insurance company may have me shopping for the lowest repair bids which may lead to inferior repairs, give you the run around, etc. Being that my wife and myself have been in good standing and having been with State Farm for more then a decade (and the fact that we are at the age, and have clean driving records we get the perfered rates) they say they will handle everything and persue the other insurance company as a croutesy. We shall see. Now for the irony. The rental car I picked up a little while ago is a Black 2010 Chevy Impala. Except for the color and being a year newer, it is exactly the same type of car that rear ended me. I can say that during the drive home I really began to miss my Prius and am not impressed at all with the Impala. No JBL system, no nav, I have to actually used the key and the average economy gauge is showing that it only gets 24 MPG. And the kicker to that is that it feels sluggish and clumsy in the way it drives and handles compared to my Prius. Guess I need to be carefull of the brakes too. HA HA. After all, the other driver claimed he stood on his brakes but could not stop time. He was eluding to a brake problem trying to get out of a ticket. I pray to the technology gods that my Prius is well cared for and I get it back quickly.
Ask your agent, but you should have no premium increase when another party is at fault (esp.with police report). Also, no deductable applies since other party ins. pays full damage. I use AAA and like a prior post, am glad they represent me if needed. Not worth saving $100 with a budget company. PS: $832 in your state. Here in Cali, about $2200!