Has anyone tried or found a contact person or group that is working on legislation for making the Prius Hybrid an alternative fuel vehicle in Arizona? It is nuts that they don't see this car but allow SUV's with a small propane tank to cruise on by us.
I agree with you, but I haven't looked into it this year at all. Please let us know if you do find out something.
Hello!! gang!! Happy to be a new member!! I love my Prius! On the subject of legislation, this is Arizona- I'd guess that special interests had more to do with the SUV incentives than rational thought. Come to think of it, there's no way rational thought could have anything to do with either the propane or the Hummer writeoff incentive. I sure don't recall a ballot with either of these things on it. I'm getting enough good just from the increased mileage and quality of the car. It's nice that the benefits aren't up to the local government. FWIW...
hello fellow phoenicians... i just registered to be in the group... no prius in my garage yet, but it's on order and should be here in june. can't wait! good news on the post, though... our legislature (through a very unusual act of wisdom and foresight) already has a law in place that allows hybrid vehicles to use HOV lanes as a single occupant, as long as the federal gov't approves. (az laws 2001, chapter 168, already signed into law by the governor). they are considering another bill this session (SB1290) that looks like an administrative clean-up, but you never know... here's the way the law currently reads: IF THE DEPARTMENT RECEIVES APPROVAL FROM THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT ALLOWING THE USE OF HIGH OCCUPANCY VEHICLE LANES BY HYBRID VEHICLES, a person may drive a hybrid vehicle with alternative fuel vehicle special plates, or an alternative fuel vehicle sticker, and a hybrid vehicle sticker issued pursuant to section 28-2416 in high occupancy vehicle lanes at any time, regardless of occupancy level, without penalty. the full state bill is at http://www.azleg.state.az.us/legtext/47leg...s/sb1290p%2Epdf i actually called the mvd and talked to a supervisor in doing my research before ordering my prius. she confirmed our state's law is on the books and they are ready to issue hybrids AF plates, pending fed action. so that leaves it up to our much-more capable congressmen in washington... the house version of the transportation bill (HR3) contained a provision that would allow this to happen, and the senate's version of the bill is expected to be voted upon on 5/17, after amendments are offered on monday. they need to get something to pres bush by 5/31, when the current bill expires. federal bill status is at http://www.congress.gov/cgi-bin/bdquery/z?...2@@L&summ2=m& keep your fingers crossed... or better yet, do something about it! i wrote sen mccain an email today urging his support. how's that for a first post? time for bed!
after congress extended the bill a 7th time, authorizing continued funding thru 6/30, they extended it again today, for the 8th time, thru 7/19. see my follow-up post with detail at: http://priuschat.com/forums/viewtopic.php?...p=103022#103022
When I tried to get Hybrid AFV plates the DMV told me it was no longer honored, only for existing plates. There's too many people already in the HOV lane so I like they are rasing the standard. Maybe the plugin Hybrid at over 100 mpg should quailfy. That would be worth fighting for. Right now there would be too many hrbrids to really make this work. Also BIG SUV Hybrids would suck up just to get HOV use. I want it to be tough and a rare privilage to use the HOV. I use the bicycle lane most of the time on my specialized bike, refueling is so sweet (eating out) and high test is smoothies on a hot day. Jim Hybrid and bicycler
ok... now that the federal bill has been passed, we are (hopefully) good to go for AF plates. we MIGHT, however, have to wait until the EPA defines specifically what qualifies. i emailed both MVD and DEQ with the message below to find out what happens next. will let everyone know with a post if & when i get a response. thanks. ------------------------------------- i would like to get AF (alt fuel) plates for my hybrid vehicle (i have a 2005 toyota prius), and see that pres. bush is about to sign the federal transportation bill that will (i think) make this possible given the arizona law we already have in place: ------------------------ 28-737. High occupancy vehicle lanes; civil penalty; definition A. Except as provided in section 28-2416 and subsections B and C of this section, a person shall not drive a vehicle carrying fewer than two persons, including the driver, in a high occupancy vehicle lane at any time the use of the high occupancy vehicle lane is restricted to vehicles carrying two or more persons, including the driver. B. If the department receives approval from the federal government allowing the use of high occupancy vehicle lanes by hybrid vehicles, a person may drive a hybrid vehicle with alternative fuel vehicle special plates, or an alternative fuel vehicle sticker, and a hybrid vehicle sticker issued pursuant to section 28-2416 in high occupancy vehicle lanes at any time, regardless of occupancy level, without penalty. ----------------------------------- once the pres. signs the bill (which will be next week by all indications), what has to happen for az consumers to be able to get the plates for their hybrid vehicles? i.e. is this in ADEQ's court, or MVD's, or ? and how long do you anticipate 'the process' taking? just wondering if i should venture into my local mvd office requesting the plates the day after the pres. signs the bill, or if i will need to wait a few weeks... thanks for your help. i would appreciate an email back.
I guess this will be my first post as a Prius Chat member, so "Hello" to all of my new fellow Prius owner compadres in Arizona! I'm also quite interested in what the end result will be regarding the AFV license plates so Sparky, please let us know what you find out resulting from your email to the mvd. Inquiring minds (and mileage-obsessed commuters) want to know! I have a feeling that we're going to end up waiting a while for EPA to define its terms, but maybe we'll get lucky and Arizona will grant the plates to the more fuel-efficient of the hybrids immediately. I'll be standing in line the day they become available! (Now I'm off to see where to build a simple sig-block....) --Chris
Still trying to find out! Hmmphhh. Been trying to call the MVD office in Phoenix all morning, and the phone line is busy every time. If I get through to ask, I'll let you all know what I find out. MVD numbers: Phoenix 602-255-0072 Tucson 520-629-9808 elsewhere in Arizona 800-251-5866
i talked to three mvd people today, plus someone at the mvd director's office... i seem to be getting the runaround - try here, call there, i do not know, try this number, write your legislator, etc., etc., etc. :cussing: so i went with the best suggestion i heard: write the mvd director ! i faxed the letter pasted below today... will post if i hear anything back. PLEASE - feel free to cut & paste & modify to fit you style - and send the mvd your own letter - i think the more they get, the more responsible they will be! ---------------------------------------- August 1, 2005 Ms. Stacey K Stanton, Director Motor Vehicle Division Arizona Department of Transportation Sent via Fax, (602) 712-6539 Dear Ms. Stanton: I am writing regarding MVD issuance of plates or stickers allowing me to drive my hybrid vehicle, a 2005 Toyota Prius, in our state’s HOV lanes regardless of the number of occupants in my car. This issue is addressed in Arizona State Statutes § 28-737 and § 28-2416. I have attached both for your reference. In summary, Arizona law allows hybrids to use the HOV lanes regardless of occupancy by displaying the required plates / stickers, as long as the federal government approves. This approval happened on Saturday when, after congressional approval earlier in the week, President Bush signed the $286 billion Transportation Bill into law on July 30. The bill contains a provision that allows hybrid vehicles carrying only one occupant into car pool lanes. Now, the only missing piece between Arizona hybrid owners and their AF plates / stickers is a formal MVD policy in the hands of your employees in the MVD offices. When I spoke with MVD employees, they indicated that they clearly understand what has happened, but they said they have not yet been provided with a policy reflecting current law that allows them to issue these plates or stickers to owners of qualifying hybrid vehicles. They suggested that I write to you on this issue. Please accept my apologies if this process is already underway. I purchased a Prius earlier this year with the knowledge of our state law, and the anticipation of federal authorization as part of the transportation bill. Now that everything is set, I’m anxious to get an AF plate / sticker and drive in the carpool lane… I need you help! Thanks again. I would appreciate a call or an email back to respond on this issue. If you have any questions, please contact me by cell phone or email listed below. Sincerely, (me) --------------------------
i got a rather grumpy :x response back from the person at DEQ - pasted below. "Currently Arizona Revised Statutes do NOT recognize Hybrid vehicles as an alternative fueled vehicle. The president signing the bill has nothing to do with change Statutes." to which i replied: "hello again, tom. thanks. we do have a statute that gives hybrids the ability to use the hov lanes (pasted below). it mentions the federal approval specifically, and GOOD NEWS - the president signed the bill into law on saturday 7/30. hope this helps clarify. also, my question is more about process. think is going to happen, it's just a question of the steps involved among the state departments involved, and the timing. thanks again. (pasted sec)" again, i'll post if i get a response.
I think thats a great fax, courteous and to the point, and I think I may send something very similar tomorrow. Thanks for the basic template. Do you feel that a fax would get through better than a letter or email based on your phone convers? Unfortunately, it sounds like they didn't realize that people might actually be interested and motivated to act on a change like this, and certainly didn't have a contingency plan in place. Best thing to do is probably to be as friendly and upbeat as possible, while stating the case firmly. I know enough people who work for the state, and to many I'm sure this simply isn't a matter of high concern to them. Maybe starting at the top is the right move... --Chris
Oh and by the way, thanks for doing the legwork on this so far! Its not easy fighting a bureaucracy dragging its heels and I just wanted to let you know that I, for one, appreciate your efforts, Sparky. Good on you!
Semi on-topic, last week, I stopped an Aqua classic Prius parked in a Handicapped spot with AFV plates at Fry's Electronics in Tempe. Either he got lucky early on, or he's managed to find a way through the mess.
OK. I modified the fax that you sent along the the MVD director (it remains 90% the same) and faxed it off to her along with copies of the AZ laws. Hopefully I'll hear back in a positive way and we'll be off and running! Chris
I'm confused. I thought that Bush had already signed the Transportation Bill. Now I'm reading news articles saying that he will soon sign it? Were the posts on PriusChat just jumping the gun by a week, the president having not technically signed? Or perhaps are we talking the difference between some sort of legal vs formal/public signing session? Have I been pestering the MVD before the federal bill has even been approved into law?
I went to the MVD this morning for my vanity plate renewal, and asked about AFV stickers/plates. The rep said I had to talk to the dealer about that. I figured it was best to let it go and come back a different time... Sara
spamalicious, the MVD told you to go to the dealer? That is the DUMBEST thing I have heard in a while. It's not like you just bought the car, you were getting a renewal! That is rediculous. These people don't know their heads from their @sses. If they don't know, they just pawn you off on someone else, no one seems willing to find out anything. That stinks!
Indeed. I was tempted to ask for the woman to kindly point out the section of the legislation that states "ye shall get yer butt to the dealer for AFV sticker/plate", but I'm way too nice. Sara
Well, I take it from the traffic on the California HOV-lane/AFV topics that Bush signed the Transportation bill yesterday. I wonder whether Arizona will be as quick to act as California has. Cali apparently already has AFV sticker applications available at the DMV website. Lets ramp this thing back up again!