Hi! I am getting a white 2010 IV prius, not sure to get the bisque interior or the dark grey! Any thoughts or pics of the dark grey leather interior? I live in Florida so I am concerned the dark grey will get too hot. But I also have a little boy, so I think the darker color may hide some messes! :rockon: Thanks!
I got the dark gray. I prefer dark interiors (I usually get black, even when I lived in south Florida, but that wasn't available on the Prius). The bisque is very light and since you have a young child, I'd get the dark gray.
I have the bisque in my sandy beach PKG V. The only color you can get with the sandy beach I think? I thought bummer, After 7 months I love it. Go for the bisque it will look great with white
Blizzard Pearl + dark grey. Didn't really have a choice because that's all that was in stock, but it was exactly what I would have chosen anyway. For me, it's as much the carpet color as the leather. As stated, the darker color hides a lot.
I got dark grey for my red prius. I thought that the lighter colors would show scuff marks WAY too easily with my 9 and 11 year olds. I've not had it in the summer yet (Pleasanton does regularily hit nineties and triple digits throughout summer) so I don't know about interior heat. I did take the precaution to have a ceramic tint put on my windows to help reduce cabin temperatures.
Bisque, and tell the kid to be careful, keep a roll of paper towels, some leather cleaning handi-wipes, and maybe terry cloth seat cover that can be thrown in the washing machine. Because anything that can do damage to the bisque can damage every other leather seat color just as easily, and at least the bisque matches the white car.
My previous car had black interior. It didn't seem to feel any hotter than the lighter color I have now. So, even with the grey, temperature differance will be minimal. As for wear and tear--it's leather. Served the cow well. You dump a Coke or a double half-caf on cloth you have a bigger mess IMO.
Hope you realise that the headliner will be still grey. Thought I'd point it out cause some members seem to have a melt down when they find out later that they have a bisque interior with a light grey headliner. Personally, I like the contrast btwn bisque and the black mats and dashboard. I have the grey and found it monotonous (in Canada, Blue Ribbon Metallic is available with dark grey or Misty Grey) but it hides the demin marks better than a lighter colour.
While the thread is oriented towards leather interiors, I'd note that people sometimes forget to apply scotchgard or a similar product to cloth seats and to their carpets & mats. I've found it makes a big difference on how well you can clean things up. And, while it's harder to find, Scotchgard does make an auto-specific product for auto interior fabric. The carpet product works for both household and auto carpets.
I got the dark grey with blizzard pearl in June 2009. I could have had the bisque with blizzard in late May 2009, but the bisque is SO LIGHT when I went in to buy it. With two small dogs, I'm so glad I waited the three weeks for the grey! Plus the solar roof is great for added comfort (at least up here in the Northwest). Last May, someone posted a comment that the blizzard/bisque combo is "so Boca"...which I thought was funny...
Seems like a lot of people love their Wet Okole neoprene waterproof seat covers. That could be a very good way to go with cloth seats. FYI, a pair of Wet Okole front covers is about $250. Toyota's price for one singular 2008 Corolla seat bottom fabric piece, list price is $333. Out of state discount shipped price $279, not cheap at all. IOW, that piece of fabric in pic on seat bottom - $279 But I guarantee you one could not make that fabric at home.
Deifnitly go with dark colours. If too hot then tint your windows and use one of those reflective sun sheild thing.
Go for the darker color especially the steering wheel. Light colored top coat steering wheels will show scratches, scuffs, and sometimes the top coat starts to come off...the hide below is dark. A dark or black leather conceals a world of hurt and it can be re-stained easliy if the finish starts to wear off which on a cheap top coated leather it will eventually start to do.
If leather, tan is the way to go. I've had that in my last three cars including escalade in White Diamond. K It looks great, does not get hot and leather cleans well. I've never had a problem with stains or scuffs. I just got Prius in black and really wanted tan interior but had to settle for misty grey.
Yes, I agree . . . except that we ordered dark gray. Car arrives. So, decision: Wait a month or accept a few bottles of Lexol from the dealer as paltry compensation. Impatience, not Lexol, won. Now? We like it! Sure, the dog leaves prominent paw prints, but they are easily removed by leather wipes, or those Lexols, and I'm thankful I can see them. I shudder to think what would be the case with a darker color where I couldn't. I think it keeps the car cooler. More to the point, being a vain, egotistical bastard, I like the fact that everyone who has seen it praises the interior. Relevant facts: the leather was dealer installed on a III and exterior color is silver. Conclusion: If asked again, I'd have chosen Misty Gray, BUT I would have pleaded for dark floor covering.