I had made an appointment with the DMV today to get my car inspected way back when I thought Bush would sign the Highway Bill right after it was passed. Yeah...I know. Well, I called today to ask if I was a bit premature. Yes, had to cancel the appointment. The lady said they had not even gotten a memo yet on how the Highway Bill would affect the CA. HOV decal law. She said they do have the stickers ready to go and that yes, the car would need to be inspected in advance. But she said they don't have anything in place yet for the inspections. She said they don't normally inspect cars so they'll have to set up a place and people would have to be trained or hired or something. She seemed to think it will still be a while before we'll be able to get them. Not to mention waiting for the Feds to define hybrid and then the CA lawyers to decide how much of the law they passed they can actually implement. I can just see it. We'll get the stickers a few months before the law is scheduled to expire in 2007. But at least I saved myself a wasted trip to the DMV.
[font=Comic Sans MS:ef6e41202c]wstander and removeum, STOP IT! STOP hijacking a perfectly reasonable thread. There is nothing in Godiva's comment that invites political comment. [/font:ef6e41202c]
Really: "Not to mention waiting for the Feds to define hybrid and then the CA lawyers to decide how much of the law they passed they can actually implement. I can just see it. We'll get the stickers a few months before the law is scheduled to expire in 2007." The entire subject of tax credits/carpool lanes, etc is PURELY political. What part of 'Feds to define hybrid' and getting 'stickers a few months before the law...' is apolitical? Second, my comment concerning the 9th circuit IS appropo in California because WE ALREADY PASSED A LAW ALLOWING SINGLE OCCUPANCY IN HOV, pending the Federales and their 'read' of the new federal laws. The reality is that I could care less how many people are in an HOV; the entire social engineering aspect of these laws is just political prostitution anyway. I could save many more gallons of fuel simply by working from home via the internet, IF my employer (indirectly the Federal Guvmint) would permit. So, Mr. Merchant, it appears that it is YOU who have caused a redirection my your knee-jerk shot. But that is what hppens when you have nothing of value to add.
[font=Comic Sans MS:ea33154294]I valued the original poster's comment. Godiva was commenting on a personal experience. I think the following comments, including mine, do nothing to further the discussion she introduced. Godiva saved herself a wasted trip to the DMV. I'm going to stop monitoring this thread to save any more time wasted reading your non-discussion.[/font:ea33154294]