Hello everyone, This forum has helped me choose tires for my 06 Prius - decided to change after putting on 50k miles (too late, I know). The front tires definitely need to go, the back tires are still in good condition. I was thinking of switching out the back Integrity tires to the front and putting in two new ComforTreds at the back. Does anyone see an issue with this? Our other car is a 2007 Corolla CE which, as it turns out, also came equipped with Integrity. Since I am ordering 4 ComforTreds from Tire Rack, I was thinking of giving both cars the same treatment (discussed above). Any opinions? Thanks, S
Not a good idea... I would not mix different tires especially if they have different diameter due to wearing. If you really insist in mixing, I would put ComforTreds in the front to minimize road noise since the front tires bear most weight and they are closest to you. You'll get the most comfort. By the way, if you rotate your tires regularly you would not end up with uneven wear issue.
Thanks for answering, SeaWolf. The diameters are the same - both are 185/65R15s. But, I'll take your advice and put the ComforTreds at the front then.
Do not mix and match tires. The diameter is irrelevant since this car is a two-wheel drive vehicle. The main issue is grip levels in different conditions. The Integrity tires have a lot less grip than most other tires, especially in the rain. Given that they are worn, you will either have bad understeer if you mount the old tires at the front or issues with oversteer if you put the old tires at the rear. Understeer is when the front pushes wide of the turn. Oversteer is what causes a car to potentially spin out. If you need more clarity on these terms, Google them. It is really not worth saving the money to do this. You will have to replace the tires again anyways sooner or later. Do it right. Don't cheap out.
Meh - you guys are making too big a deal of this. With the old tires in the front (usually the recommended place to put old tires), while it will push/understeer at the limit, the overall level of grip won't be any worse than as if you had 4 old tires on the car. That said - yes - the car will normally "feel" better with matching tires - but depending on the price of the tire and your budget it may be hard to justify throwing out two tires with good life left on them. In the future, avoid this problem by making sure you rotate the tires at least every 10k miles. What kind of shape are the tires on the Corolla in?
Dropped off the car today at the shop - getting all 4 tires installed on the Prius. I was told that the ComforTreds are heavier than the Integrity tires and is not designed for a fuel-efficient car like the Prius - going through the forums, I notice little to no impact on mpg after installation of ComforTreds, though. @drees - considering that the Prius has 50k on it already, I feel comfortable changing all tires. As for the Corolla, the front two tires could take changing. I am going to take the mechanic's opinion on which ones look better - the rear Integrity"s" on the Prius or the current ones on the Corolla.
This is incorrect. You ALWAYS mount new tires on the rear, not the front whether the car is FWD, RWD, or whatever. Generally you're better off with 4 matching tires, I would never just replace two tires on one of my cars, but you can...just mount the new ones to the rear and you cannot rotate. EDIT, just saw you had all 4 put on the Prius...thats the right way to go...
I'm picking up 4 Michelin Primacy MXV4 205/60R15 tomorrow. I'll provide everyone with an update. MY OEM tires lasted 47K miles. They are good for a few thousand more, but the Michelin rebate ends this weekend.
Um Macmaster why rag on someone who is giving the correct advice? Just admit you were wrong and move on. Tire Tech Information - Where to Install New Pairs of Tires? Why New Front Tires on Your Back Wheels Are a Good Idea - Popularmechanics.com Goodyear Tires | Support | FAQs | Care