I'm sorry to tell you that it is not gone, it is just transferred to those near you in traffic. Enough is enough. I will never understand the joy that people get in eking out a few mpg at substantial cost. Time has value, if not to you, then to others.
Oh, Joe, I beg to differ. When everyone is (forced to) drive hybrids, and the meme becomes economy, which it will, perforce, all those Jeep drivers (aren't they the worst?) will suddenly realize how much energy they are wasting passing me on the right, just to brake hard into the red light we both can see is a few hundred yards ahead... Can't wait for 10.00/gallon gas. It's coming.
That sums it up! This hybrid exclusive premium feature (jet-smooth relax) is something car reviewers and internet keyboard warriors would gone unnoticed.
The feeling . Today I left work at 5:15 before the Prius I would be home 6:35-6:45 Well I got home at 6:14. The HOV lane was empty and had to keep myself from going over 70. Not that I mind but I dont want a ticket. Got home packed for my trip to DC and MD tomorrow. Going to fly down and rent a car from Alamo. Cant wait for June 9 and 10 and take the girls and her boyfreind to Hershey. Want to see how the Prius will handle 4 of us and the Poconos Mountains on Route 78. Leaving the Prius home and having a car service to airport. Going to miss it for a few days Hit 2046 on the Miles today Sushi Steve
Substantial to who?? Money is money. Money has value to me. Add up all the little things you do to save money and you end up making a difference. Not to mention when you keep the car for say 5yrs, all those extra MPG per month add up too.
Yes! We feel the same way you do Steve, but not everyone does... Some of the posters on here feel they've made a big mistake buying a Prius! Like someone on here said, a Prius is not the perfect car for everyone, only about 90% of us... It's just NOT like other cars.
The attendant at my gas station loves me. Average fill up is $18, and every time I go in, he's like "So that's a hybrid, eh?" then we have a nice 5 minute conversation about the car. Best part of the car... $245.42 in gas since February
watching someone fill there tank 50 dollars filled up today it was great $25.60 Went fishing and averaged 56.1 MPG for 75 mile commute doing 55-70 all the way there and back Sushi Steve
Yeah I had the same feeling today when I drove 540 miles on a tank and then put in 9.2 gallons of gas.
You should be just fine on Rte 78 through the Poconos. I've been close to that area a couple times (Wind Gap, PA) and it did just fine. I actually just got back from a trip to Cedar Point in Ohio (approx 480 miles each way). I would say we averaged around 46 mpg and there were 3 of us in the car with luggage for each of us. If I wanted to push it, I could have made it the entire way on 1 tank of fuel. However, I don't like to be on the Turnpike and risk running out of fuel so we filled up both times around 9 - 9.5 gals. I did actually hear the "low fuel" warning beep and got the flashing bar. How anyone could miss that beep is beyond me. All 3 of us were like "what the heck was that for??". Have a good trip! I haven't been into Hershey in a few years.
+1 I did not not care for my dreadfully boring Honda Accord I sold to buy the Prius. I now have finally found the car I have always wanted and I am at peace. A thrill to own and drive. I'm sure I'll get antsy when EV's start to hit mainstream.
Have had our Prius 2010-III for 7 months - have about 1800 miles on it (yes, dont drive much) - still feels weird compared to a conventional car. Been driving for 60 years & this is a big change for us - all the new do's and don'ts plus the battery concerns re: jumps, draining if not driven enough, & in general making the wrong moves. If I had it to do over again????? Too late for that!
We LOVE our Prius. My wife an I just formed a Green Consulting company (Quality Planet Inc., keep your eyes and ears peeled) and we need to practice what we preach. Only reason we bought the Prius is there aren't any 4 door affordable EV's on the market yet. In another 2-3 years, we will hopefully be able to purchase our EV. In the meantime though, coming from a BMW 335 and X3 (yes, got rid of both for the Prius), we are more than pleased with the comfort, innovation, driveability, and everything this car is. aaron
Well the trip to Hershey was a blast Rained most of Wed but Thur was beautiful What a great car to drive on the road I averaged on the computer 53.6 and had air on in power mode crusing at 70 most of time. Now I have 4623 miles and going to make my 5K service next week. I am getting a message that I need to service oil soon. Have the free 2 year maintenance agreement they were giving out. Love my car Headed to Cedar Point Ohio in August but going to take the 2009 Honda Pilot as it will be more comfortable for a 10 hour straight run. Sushiman58
I'm trying not to get tense when driving my usual rout - and the traffic light's loop sensor fails to kick the light green. Ack! I have to hit the brakes & kill my forward energy! Oh well ... thankfully there's re-gen. Sushiman ... you're still just a baby. Most of us here with a half dozen prius years are still goofy over our rides. Now that's what I call weird. .
CONGRATS to you and I feel the same way you do about my Prius. I have had her just over seven (7) days (that's right) she is still brand new and a car I have wanted for more than 10 years. Now that I own her...I laugh as others zoom around me and I pull up to the light next to them and just coast through it. Looking forward to the first fill up as I would have filled the car up by now and I am just under half a tank of gas with a 60 mile round trip drive each day of the week. Do I miss the BMW....sometimes but then I think about how much fun I have driving in traffic and trying to beat the previous readings of 60 mpg. It's nice to smile when you arrive at work in the morning and when you leave in the evenings. ENJOY them everyone.