The subject pretty much says it. Are there any currently shipping, someone-has-bought-and-installed-it modules that will show the album and song names on the MFD as well as let you control it from the screen / stearing wheel? I've got the pkg #6 Nav / factory 6-disk CD unit. I've dug back through the archives, and gotten mixed data, so I thought I'd just ask directly. So, has anyone ever seen CD Text from thier iPod? thanks, dave.
This is what you want, but it doesn't quite exist yet: We've been waiting forever. There isn't even a device out there that controls the iPod to begin with (without disabling the in-dash CD-changer), let alone one with text.
yup, if it comes into being, that is what I'm looking for. I just didn't know if there were any others that might already be shipping. thanks, dave.
i've been looking for this myself. i've got an ipod2car on my stock non-JBL prius stereo and it works okay, although not without a few quirks. aside from the not-yet-available coastal solution, the closest thing i've seen is this product: but at this time, i don't think it supports the prius.
The most advanced one seems to be the dension ice link plus: But they don't list support for the Prius yet. I wouldn't be too surprised if the Coastal kit is based on an upcoming ice link product.