I just saw in the forum that others have had their spell of bad luck with their cars (hail damage, garage incident, etc.), so I will share mine to ease the pain. My beautiful blue 2010 Prius, that I have had for 7 months without a ding because of my obsession with safe parking spots, was attacked by a peacock. It is in the shop right now as it was scratched all around and really pecked at in a couple of corner locations. Apparently, the blue drew the peacock in, and he saw my car (or the reflection of himself) as a rival. They can do horrible damage to a car ~ fortunately he was seen soon enough to be scared off before more damage was done. The insurance lady had a field day with my story ~ she had never heard of it before, although I did find one case documented on the net. She asked if I was at a zoo or a farm, which I wasn't. I live in a town that a river runs through and they come off the parkways, I guess. Anyway, be warned if you have a blue Prius!!
I live in a town that a river runs through and they come off the parkways, I guess. Anyway, be warned if you have a blue Prius!! [/QUOTE] I looked at your location after reading your story. Anywhere near Watt Ave. & Auburn Blvd? My cousins live near there and flocks are rampent in the streets, yards, and horse corrals. I'm visiting in a few weeks, maybe we'll take the Honda just to be on the safe side.
Thanks, 32kcolors, for the chuckle! Surfdolfin...take the Honda!!! This happened very close to the location you are going to be visiting. My son had the car and was visiting a friend ~ I just looked at Mapquest and it is 1-1/2 mile away from Watt & Auburn!!
lol, this is an awesome tale of woe... Sorry for the damage. We usually drive through the African Wildlife Safari in Cambridge, ON when we go up there. The baboons like to sit on vehicles and rip off the weather stripping on the roof, around the doors/windows/windshield. They also steal peoples' hubcaps and put them in a pile off the side. We also saw a very angry ostrich ram the side of some guys pickup truck. Left a HUGE ostrich sized dent in the car!
We've been getting extra exercise since getting our Prius too. I guess you must know about all of the local birds and animals to really protect your Prius. I would never have suspected that a peacock would attack a car. This pic shows a Kea in New Zealand attacking the seal on the back window. The passenger had to get out and chase him away.
Cossie ~ that is a good explanation for me to use when my co-workers undoubtedly razz me about my situation on Monday! Smirv ~ yeah, what are the odds is right!! Here is an article I found about another peacock vs. Prius incident, but it wasn't in the States: Jealous peacock attacks blue cars - after mistaking them for love rivals | Mail Online 2k1Toaster & 2to4 ~ those are some interesting stories and scary looking pictures. I am really beginning to dislike nature!!
Shocking that an animal would attack a hybrid car. Don't they know you're on their side? Hope she's better soon.
That happened to my wife's shiny new black car about 13 years ago. A peacock roamed wild in our neighborhood, but after he attacked the wife's car, our neighbor trapped him and shipped him off to a bird sanctuary.
It might not have been an attack. Don't be surprised if you walk outside some morning soon and find your Prius sitting on a nest full of peacock eggs.
Wow, Rebound, I really thought the peacock blue color is what drew him in...very interesting. I guess my other vehicle (a white one) is going to be off-bounds in that neighborhood, too! Better safe than sorry!! Ha ha, jburns...now that is quite a visual!!