Well I have had my 2010 Prius II for 1 month today. I have 1958 miles thats the year I was born. Thats kinda weird . In this car i find peace Havent I havent had in years !!!!!!!! All I can say is I am sorry I didnt get rid of my Nissan Xterra quicker. The Prius is the coolest car I ever had except for the 1985 350 Convertible that I smacked up driving like a fool. I have gotten between 49 and 52 mpg on 4 fill ups for the month. I now spend $28 a week compared to 75-80. The LIE HOV lane has saved me some time but at times its worse then the regular lane I am a happier person. Since I have the prius :rockon::rockon: My cowerkers are telling me how less stressed I am in. I like this feeling I am getting its kinda like sun rays warming you up I am finding new ways to drive everyday and enjoying driving again Sushi EAT it RAW Steve
Steve. Most of us understand the strange feeling you are experiencing. Unfortunately, modern medicine has not yet found a cure. It is best to wait it out and see if these feelings of peace and enjoyment subside. It has been my experience, shared by many others, that no, they don't. Seriously, after almost 6 years people still ask if I enjoy my car and I can't help but to reply, "every day." Like you, I enjoy a sense of tranquility and peace even when sitting in traffic. When times do get tense, it's only because I'm worried about my battery state of charge or whether my mileage will drop 0.2 during that trip. It's a completely new way of thinking. Drive Hybrid. Drive Happy.
Hi Steve ... congrats on the one month and I can relate We have had ours just about 6 weeks and have put 3300km (2000 miles) and although it doesn't quite take the corners like the BMW 325 we had 3 years ago it is pretty impressive in just about every other aspect (corners better then I thought it would to ). My wife has had three Honda Accords, so when we decided to go for the Prius she was sure there would be some "Honda" withdraws, well ... that last less then a week. This car just continues to pleasantly surprise us with how well and how fun it is to drive. Oh ... ya the fuel mileage isn't hard to get used to either so far we are averaging 4.3 liters per 100 km actual (4.1 computed). The 4.3 works out to 53.76 miles per U.S. gallon. Enjoy your weekend
+1 to Tony P reply, Just coming up to 295,000km on my 06 Taxi and i still love driving this car,it makes some shitty nights much more bearable,my kids even say to me "you love your car,don't ya Dad" and i say "i do,but not as much as i love you",my 6 yr old daughter calls it Lightning McQueen.
Steve, Welcome Aboard ! The LIE always manages to confound no matter the time of day, but the Prius is all you describe the feeling to be anyway. I sold my 2007 to my sibling who lives in Boston, and the reports are the same. Best cars to own hands down. Glad you agree. I'm beginning to enjoy the gas guzzlers who speed up from shame when they see a Prius coming up on them in the rear view mirror. They feel embarassed they didn't make so smart a choice.
Congratulations! I'm a reformed 4x4 enthusiast who traded his truck for a Prius and a hiking stick about six months ago. I love my car. Just think about how at peace we'll all feel when we're driving EVs charged with clean renewable energy! Can't wait.
You are driving the most fuel efficient mainstream car in NA, if not the world. And IMO, this 2010 is the best 4 door, small-midsize hatchback in the US. Toyota's been through a lot and the economy still stinks, but this Prius is going to take no prisoners in the world of car sales. The 2010+ will outsell the 04 -09 by a wide margin.
One more thing ... about the car enthusiast magazine editors that pan the Prius because it doesn't shred on some backroad ... obviously they don't get it about the Prius I'm talking about C&D and their 'Buyer's Guide' misinformation currently listed for the '10.
Congrat to Sushiman58. 6 months now since I have my Prius and I still have the feeling of getting in a new car every day. This is the feeling I didn't have for all my past new vehicles. There are so many new things to explore in the Prius. To Dan bo: Are you reporting the 4.3 liters/100 from the computer read out or by your own manual calculation? My manual calculations always come up higher than what the computer is reporting by about 10%.
How do you know they're not embarrassed to be next to and trying to get away from your overly reflective Prius?
I too was waiting for "the feeling" of buyers remorse and guess what? It never came...There are way too many positives about the Prius III to worry about loosing some luxury or so called status for not driving a "luxury Mark". I now look upon other non Hybrid drivers with a bit of pitty, other Hybirds with keen interest and I will probably only be jealous of the Nissan Leaf drivers and Chevy Volt drivers if and when I finally see one.
Ive had my car for a little over a month and feel the same way. Its the first car/vehicle I have owned that is actually relaxing to drive no matter what the situation. I still have that first time excitement every time I drive it. Love this car.
It's doubtful they would because many vehicles here use refectives for all kinds of vehicle advertising and graphics, so its not at all uncommon. It's how I got the idea years ago. But you'd be wrong Mainly because its daylight so they can't tell its reflective, but Hey, I'd Love them to feel that way too. Obviously my refective striping gets under your skin. "That's a Shame", as Jerry Seinfeld says.
Hi toyotalover The 4.3 is calculated and after four tanks (will be filling up later today) mine seems to be about 5% higher then what the computer is showing. Have to run, but may post all my stat tomorrow as I keep a spreadsheet. Cheers
Second day with my Prius and I just look for an excuse to take a drive. I turned in my loaded 2007 G35 for this car and I don't regret it yet and possibly never will. My daughter of course thinks I should be driving a sports car or at least a TC like hers but she still drove it and wasn't disappointed.
Washed the car today and towel dry....tic.flickr.com/4023/4633120481_b8f30e3613.jpg" width="500" height="375" alt="prius 201- 2000 miles" /></a> Sushiman58 Eat It RAW
Congrats to the OP. I feel exactly the same way. I am so relaxed while driving, and I have averaged 55 MPG calculated for my first 3 tanks. It is amazing. For the first time in my life yesterday, my wife actually asked me to drive faster. I never thought I would hear that. I told her she would be messing with my first 60 MPG tank! She just rolled her eyes. Yeah, I love the Prius.
Yep, I get the roll-eyes from my son, and this is my first 60 MPG tank, too. Just passed the one month mark. Y'know what's the biggest take-away? My life long road rage seems to be completely gone.