The Chevrolet Volt has probably been "coming soon" for longer than any vehicle in automotive history, but trust us, it's real. We know this because we were recently handed the keys to a preproduction version of GM's electric Prius-hunter for a test-drive in downtown San Francisco. The Chevy Volt actually exists, and we drove it | The Car Tech blog - CNET Reviews
who is the us we are speaking of? a pre production vehicle does not a production vehicle make. in other words, anyone can build a few!
Looks good. Not long to go now before it's officially released, though we will have to wait until 2012 for a RHD version My only concern is that the center of the dash where the radio and a/c is looks a bit feeble for a car of this calibre.
C'mon guys. Let's feel some love here. I hope GM is successful with the Volt, although with it's current configuration and (especially) pricing I'm not at all convinced it will be a Prius killer. If, a few years down the road, it turns out to be reliable and is reasonably priced, I'd buy one to replace my other car. Not because it is or isn't a Toyota or a GM, but because it would be the best solution. Just like the Prius was the best solution for me right now. Let's give GM a fair shake and recognize that this is potentially a good path for all of us to be heading down environmentally!!
link worked for me. nice article, but once again, nearly useless. they were fair and balanced on the reporting; now if they actually had something to report on.
Albeit in tiny quantities - even through to 2012. The LEAF will hurt the Volt more than the Prius will/does - because of availability. Even though the Volt is more versatile than the Leaf - especially in cold weather.
I've got the growing feeling that "The Honda Insight"...supposed Prius Killer, "The Chevy Volt" supposed Prius Killer and even "The Ford Hybrid Fusion"..are nothing. The real threat to the mantle of perceived enviromental champion of the automotive world, which the Prius has enjoyed for over a decade, is going to be The Nissan Leaf.
Just like the iPod, the Prius will be going strong for a long time to come! I hope the Volt and Leaf are very successful too, but a price that relies heavily on the tax credit to make them "affordable", let alone profitable, is a big roadblock to them being around long enough to unseat the Prius!
I find it interesting that the thread title "The Chevy Volt actually exists" refers to a few hand-built prototype cars. I also find it interesting that so many people are convinced GM is "serious" about the Volt merely because it has hand-built a few promotional prototypes, even though it does not allow anybody to drive them off the track or at normal speeds, and it has announced production numbers so low as to make it unlikely that anybody reading this would actually be able to get one. As for the tax credit making EVs affordable, I oppose all tax credits and subsidies. I say we remove all subsidies. Let people pay what things actually cost. If we did that, gasoline would cost $15 a gallon: factor in the cost of cleaning up spills, the cost of air and water pollution, and especially the cost of the wars we fight over oil. Factor the cost of the oil wars into the price of gasoline and people would be clamoring to buy any EV they could, including the Zap Xebra!
And THAT's why Toyota has joind forces with Tesla at the old NUMMI plant, most likely. They don't want to take a chance of being left in the dust. If the Leaf sells like hotcakes (and the prelims make it look that way), Toyota must have something to show, other than an empty hand like GM.
The "actually exists" comes from all those who were frustrated about the vaporware claims back when Volt was first revealed in early 2007. Problem is, the detail of that vehicle called "Volt" back then is nothing like what GM will actually deliver almost 4 years later. In fact, it is so different, the vaporware claims have been validated. .
Pout? No need. The smug has already begun. Prius was created as a replacement for traditional vehicles. What is the purpose of Volt? .
How can you love GM, after they successfully market tested a hybrid years ago in California, and then took it off the market and destroyed every one--to the protests of the people driving them. That was one of the the most blatant pro-oil decisions ever made in the car industry; it damaged the American car market, and GM executives should have to live in purgatory forever because of it. 2/1 the Volt is off the market 12 months after the first one is sold.
Easy. To put forth to the American public that GM is an environmentally friendly company, in other words, greenwashing. That's been the jist of the Volts ad campaign for years now.
Welcome to the US of A in the 1980s and 90s, I am certain that the GM management felt justified in their actions, before the bubble of lies burst. Big oil was and is everyone's daddy. It is tough to make up for 25 years or so of lies to the American public, while the baby boomers chased the dreams of the 50s and 60s. Marketing should not be used to set a nations policies.
What the heck are you talking about?? The specs have not been released on the production version and the pre-production cars have been living up to the initial hype. The Volts have been getting pretty close to the the range and CS mpg that had been initially discussed.