The only thing which would make my Package V better would been if I'd waited for the Advanced Technology Package -- sure to regret not getting the Dynamic Radar Cruise Control.
I think the Prius V is the most technologically advanced car for the price anywhere, a true 'Performance car', as that term will need to be defined in the coming generations. Clean, safe, roomy, (unlike the teeny tiny Nissan Leaf EV), with excellent safety ratings, cargo storage, and filled with features designed to make driving less stressfull, and more comfortable. After a decade of Priuses used by Real World Drivers across the Real World it is also dependable, nearly bullet-proof when it comes to maintenance, and of course is very, make that extremely, economical to fuel and operate for what, based on the Taxi Fleet users to date, should be an extremely Long Life. Dollar for dollar the best Version of the best car you can buy anywhere.
Very happy with our Prius V. I spent the extra to get the technology package and really like all of its features. The LKA has save me several times on those late night trips back home. The radar controlled cruise is also very nice. The parking feature is not utilized that much right now but as I get older and less skilled in driving I see this as a great feature. I have 5k on car and still think I made the right choice knowing all these features cost me alot of money.
The radar controlled cruise control is what i like the most, I wouldn't want to go without it now. I kind of wish i could have got 15" rims/tires rather than the 17's, but otherwsie I like everything about my V.
5 days old and only 200 miles so not the most informed opinion yet, but hey, I'm very happy with my V
I'm happy with my ATP package, but never use the autoparking features. I could have done without them and didn't like paying for them. DRCC and LKA are great. It would be hard to drive without them. I'd like to have the front radar provide total colission avoidance. I'm also not terribly unhappy with the NAV system, just the search features on the USB and CD outputs, which stink.
I'm still quite smitten with mine. Esp. the DRCC and the LKA. The extra margin of safety that PCS adds is a comfort as well. I have yet to use the parking feature. I just bought a set of 15" wheels from a fellow board member and mounted my ice tires from my Gen 2. Ride is improved, but only slightly. My Gen 2 did very well in snow and ice, hope the Gen 3 is the same.
My V had over 200 miles on it when I picked it up. When I signed the papers it had 55, but they had to drive it down from another state. I'm not crazy about it but I'm sure it will be fine. I plan to to do my first oil change at 1000 miles, so yeah it's going to be pampered from now on.
I've tried the auto-parking three times, each of those to demonstrate to someone else. It's much slower that parking yourself but it's certainly got novelty value. My son, 6, thinks it's the best thing since sliced bread.
I always interpreted that to be either the Power Control Unit or the second Motor-Generator (MG2) ...
I love mine. Had it about two months now, but only just passed 1000 miles. I know I should commute in it to save the planet and all, but I have an old beater Honda Civic with 250K miles on it that I'm not afraid to risk in Houston traffic. But when I do drive it on the weekends it is like heaven. It is the best car I have ever owned - or could imagine owning. DRCC is spectacular - all cars should have this. My wife and I both have back problems and the heated seats are wonderful even with the AC on! I got the V specifically for the 17" wheels and LED headlamps, but the DRCC has proven to be perhaps the best feature. LKA Is nice. Not sure if I will ever use the parking assist, even though my coworkers keep asking to see it in operation. I have been lusting after a Prius for 10 years now and have finally been able to get one. The 2010 model V is technologically the best Prius to date. Yes ... Very very happy.
I got the V specifically for the Adv. Technology package, and i don't regret it. The RADAR cruise control i simply amazing, and i actually use the auto parking feature. I am one of those guys who will actually use 100% of what he buys. This car is AWESOME!!
> a year later. Love my Tech Package (similar to V w/ AT Pack but no LED/17"alloys and with Solar Roof). DRCC is great even on surface streets (60-70km/h limits here outside of downtown). PCS helps you maintain your driving position (rather than leaning forward) when you suddenly brake and works in a blink of an eye. Every time it has activated (twice so far), I've never noticed the belt tightening until it retracts and I hear the electric motor whine. APGS (formerly IPA) is cool and I have used it a few times just for the hell of it. I use whatever I have in the car so nothing gets neglected =).